Chapter 30. Epilogue

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Around 8 years later

-Virgil's POV-

Roman is sitting on the floor, watching bad quality YouTube videos of performances of various musical songs, eyes shining as he hums along to the melodies.

I can't help but admire him. God I love this idiot so much.

"Why are you staring at me?" he asks, looking up from his computer. Erika Henningsen continues singing Stupid With Love and I can't help but find it very fitting.

"Nothing, just admiring my boyfriend" I say.

Roman smiles and gets up from the floor. He comes over to where I'm sitting at our kitchen table and leans down to kiss me.

I love kissing him. The familiar feel of his lips on mine, the way he smells, his hair between my fingers.

It only lasts a couple of seconds then he breaks away and I look up at his face, praising myself lucky that this gorgeous man is still with me after all these years.

"I like it when you stare" he tells me with a smirk, and I roll my eyes at him. He chuckles and sits back down on the floor.

I slide my hand into the pocket of my jeans just to make sure the ring is still there. The feel of metal meets my fingertips. I squeeze it in my fist. It's gold with a carved design and two small stones. One red, one purple.

I started thinking about proposing when we went to Patton and Logan's wedding. I've been carrying the ring around since then. I'd like to think it's because I'm looking for the perfect moment, but it's really that I'm so nervous he's going to say no. I don't know why he would, but I will probably die if he does say no.

"I need some air." Roman's voice is a nice distraction from my thoughts. I look at him. "Wanna go to Central Park?" he asks.


We go to Central Park pretty often, just to wander around. The summer evening air is fresh and cooling. The sun is slowly starting to set, the sky is hues of yellow, orange and pink.

Roman's hand is warm in mine. I give it a squeeze and he looks at me and smiles. We get to a more secluded area and sit down on a bench. There is quite a lot of people in the park, but right here we're alone. At least for a few moments.

Our intertwined hands are resting on my thigh and Roman puts his head on my shoulder. Now would be the perfect time.

My heart starts beating faster, and I hope Roman doesn't notice my sudden tenseness. Fuck, am I really thinking about doing it? I do have the ring in my pocket.

"Roman?" I say, my voice revealing my nervousness.

"Yeah?" he asks, sitting up and turning so we're face to face.

"I want to ask you something" I say quickly digging the ring out of my pocket, but keeping it hidden in my left fist. I keep my right hand intertwined with his left.

Roman looks at me expectantly. Here goes. "Roman I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now, but I've been so nervous about your answer that I kept putting it off. To be honest I'm terrified of what's gonna happen, but there isn't going to be a better moment than now, so I'm doing it."

He looks a little worried as I bare my soul to him, but I can't let it stop me.

"Roman I love you" I continue. "I love you so much, it's overwhelming. And I can't imagine a life that doesn't have you in it."

He smiles. I take a deep breath. "I know I'm being totally cheesy and cliché, but I know how much you love rom-coms, so I really hope you don't hold it against me" I say, and he chuckles.

"Roman Prince." I hold out the ring. His eyes widen as he looks down at my hand. My hand is shaking slightly, and my heart is beating to loudly I almost can't hear my own thoughts.

"Will you marry me?"

The next 2 seconds are the most terrifying of my life before Roman breaks into the biggest smile.

"Yes. Yes! Of course, I will" he exclaims, and I can breathe normally again. I can see Roman's eyes becoming glossy with tears as I slide the ring unto his finger.

"I really hope those are happy tears" I say, and he answers me by grabbing my face and pulling me into a kiss.

He pulls away and I sit for a moment just admiring him and waiting for my heartbeat to return to a normal pace. He's just sitting and studying the ring. "I hope you like it" I say.

"Of course, I like it. It's beautiful" he replies.

"Oh my gosh, have you told Patton and Logan?" he asks, and I shake my head.

"I haven't told anyone."

"Well then we have to call them."

I chuckle and he pulls out his phone. After a few moments Logan and Patton's faces appear on the screen. "Hi Roman" Logan says. "To what to we owe the pleasure?"

Roman simply smiles and shows his hand and I can't help but laugh at the look of complete surprise and excitement that immediately appears on Patton's face. "Oh, my goodness! He proposed?!!"

"I did."

"About time" Logan says plainly, and Patton gives him an annoyed look. Me and Roman both laugh.

"Ugh. You're getting married" Patton says. I turn to look at my fiancé. He looks back at me with a soft look in his eyes.

"We're getting married" he says.

"We're getting married" I reply, not being able to believe that I'm this damn lucky. "Fuck, we're getting married."

Roman laughs. "I love you" he says.

"I love you too."


It's done. It's fucking done. What am I gonna do now?! No but really, I'm so proud of this story and it's been really fun writing it. And I hope it's been fun to read. I really don't know what to do now though. I should probably finish some of the other stories I have laying around. 

But truly, thank you to everyone who's read this. No matter if it's 12 or 1200 people, I really appreciate you taking the time to read this silly thing. 

And a million thanks to SanderShipper, the person who gave me the idea for this story, drew the wonderful cover and just the best friend I've never met. 

Peace my dudes


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