Chapter 29.

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-Roman's POV-

"What are you drawing?" I ask. We're sitting in Virgil's bed as he casually sketches. I try to look at Virgil's sketchbook, but he turns it away from me before I can see. "Oh, come on let me see."

Virgil laughs. "No not yet" he says.

"Why not?"

"Because it's not done yet."

"But can you at least tell me what it is?" I ask. He looks a little embarrassed.

"It's... you" he says quietly. I can see a tinge of pink creeping up his neck.

"Well now I gotta see." I reach out to grab the sketchbook, but Virgil moves it away from me again. But now I'm too curious to give up and I stretch my arm to try and grab it. I know however, that I won't be able to reach. It's really difficult when you're laying down.

We both start laughing as we tussle for the sketchbook. The duvet ruffles. "Ugh fine. I give up" I say and lay back down. I'm too lazy anyway.

Virgil laughs again. "I'll show you when it's done" he says. I smile and bring my hand up to hold his cheek. Then I move up and kiss him. His lips are salty. I feel him smile against my lips as he kisses me back slowly.

"You taste like salt" I tell him when we break apart, and he laughs.

"Yeah, I ate pretzels earlier."

I lay back down with my head on his shoulder. I can still taste the salt on my lips. I love the way he tastes. I love the warmth of his body and the way he smells. I love how his purple bangs swoop over his eyes. I love his laugh.

Virgil has continued his drawing. The sound of the pencil moving across the paper, is weirdly comforting. I can't believe I never noticed he was lefthanded. It's kinda hot.

He notices me staring at him and gives me a quick kiss. "I love you" he whispers into my hair. It makes me shiver.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing that" I say.

"Okay it's done" Virgil says and takes a deep breath. I think I might've fallen asleep while he was drawing, but his statement wakes me right up. I sit up in the bed and look at Virgil excitedly. I can tell he's nervous about showing me. For a second I think he might have changed his mind, but then he hands me the sketchbook.

"It's... beautiful" I tell him. And it really is. Careful lines in gray make out the image of my face, in a way I can't even describe.

"You really like it?" he asks, anxiously wringing his hands. I put the sketchbook down on the bed beside me and grab his hands. Then I bring my hand up to lift his chin so he can look me in the eye. He's got the most handsome eyes I've ever seen.

"I love it" I reply and kiss him. 


I've had this scene in my head since I started writing this story and I'm so glad I finally got to write it. The next chapter might very well be the last one, so I hope you enjoy the fluff here at the end


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