Chapter 20.

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Content warning: Unhealthy relationship

-Roman's POV-

Things have been good with me and emo_nightmare. Or Chad I should say. He's different from what I expected. Less shy and anxious. Not that I mind, but it kind of feels like he's been lying to me all these months. But I'm probably just being silly.


"C'mon babe. We gotta leave if we wanna make it on time" I hear him say. I quickly do the final touches on my look and follow him out the door. I can feel Virgil's eyes on the back of my neck, as he pretends to be absorbed in his music.

"Sorry it took so long. I just wanted to look nice for our date."

He looks at me with a side smile. "It's alright. Just don't take so long next time" he says and takes my hand in his. "Oh, of course" I say. I did take a long time. God he probably thinks I'm vain and selfish now.

We don't say anything as we walk hand in hand. I want to ask where we're going, but I keep quiet. He said it should be a surprise, and I don't want to pester him with questions. Chad hails a cab, and we get in. I don't hear what he says to the driver.

He leans back in the seat and puts his hand on my thigh. I expect to feel a rush, but I don't.

-Virgil's POV-

"C'mon babe. We gotta leave if we wanna make it on time" Chad demands, and I pretend not to look. My bangs cover my eyes, and I don't think he sees me looking. Not until he smirks at me just before he walks out the door.

I wait until I hear them walking down the hallway, before loudly saying "fuck!" and fall back on my bed. I take off my headphones. I wasn't listening to anything anyway.

A sigh escapes my lips and for a second, I want to call Patton. Instead, I get up from my bed and pace back and forth. I try not to look out the window. Maybe I should do my homework. Yeah no. I won't be able to concentrate on that right now. I stop pacing in the middle of the room.

Ugh why does he have to ruin my life like this?! Both of them! Why did I have to fall for someone only for him to be taken away?

I grab my phone and find Patton's number. I hesitate my thumb over the call button. Maybe I shouldn't.

It rings. I put it on speaker. "Hey Virge. What's going on?" Patton's voice sounds. "Roman just left for a date."

"Oh. Do you want me to come over?" he asks. I shake my head and realise he can't see that, so I say no and tell him I'm okay. Maybe saying it out loud will convince me that I am. "Virgil, I don't think you're okay. You don't sound like yourself" Patton tells me.

Well of course I'm not okay! The first guy I've fallen for in years, hates me and is now dating the person I hate more than anyone. I'm miserable!

But of course, I don't say that, even though I want to. Yelling at my best friend isn't going to do anything.

"Patton really. It's okay. I'm fine. You don't have to come over." He doesn't sound completely convinced as he replies okay and proceeds to change the topic.

-Roman's POV-

On the way back to college, Chad chats with the driver while I sit in silence. He's been caressing my thigh all night and at this point, I think there might be something wrong with me, cause I don't feel anything. I mean I feel his hand, but I don't get that rush.

Isn't there supposed to be a rush?

"You wanna come back to my room?" he asks flirtatiously. For a second I'm tempted. "I can't" I say. "Homework." He nods and smiles, but there is something accusatory about the look in his eyes. It's my own fault I feel this way. I should be happy with this. Shouldn't I?


I was planning on writing a longer chapter, but it gave me the worst writers block I've ever had, so I apologise for it being so short


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