Chapter 15.

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-Virgil's POV-

You know it's a really bad time to have a mental breakdown. But I guess it's never a good time for it either. Even worse when it's been going on for a while. About 3 weeks to be exact.

I need to get out of this room. I need to walk around or something. Roman is sitting at his desk, head buried in his script as usual. For once he's being polite and not reading it out loud (very dramatically might I add) like he usually does.

But I guess that comes from not being able to express himself as a kid, like he told me. Wait. What am I even doing? I really need to get out of here.

I grab my umbrella and leave without saying a word. That's an agreement we have. We don't have to say anything when we leave or come in. I guess that's kind of sad when I think about it. Especially since I would love for him to smile when I enter the door, instead of ignoring me. To say goodnight before we turn off the lights.

To kiss me when I come back from class and he's there.

I walk quickly to the door and open the umbrella. The sound of rain hits the fabric. I relax my shoulders, the tenseness in my body fades. The rain is heavy, yet gentle and refreshing. My favourite kind.

Patton is worried about me. Considering I haven't been speaking much to him, I'd say there is good reason for that. I haven't even told him about... that.

My phone pings. I fish it out of my pocket. Message. From Him.


I nervously open Wattpad and look at the message. My fingers are trembling. I haven't been speaking to him much either.


<You Better Not Be Ignoring Me ; )

Back again with the freaking winky faces. It's annoying how cute it is.

i'm not. things have just been a>
little stressful lately

<Good Then. Hope You're Doing

yeah i'm fine. don't worry>

I can't help it when he writes things like that. I really wish I didn't feel like I do about him. I wish I could stop all the stupid butterflies that arise in my stomach when he writes to me. Every time I get a message, my heart skips a beat at the thought of it maybe being him. 

<You Know What I Wish I Could
Do Right Now?

no, what?>

<I Wish I Could Grab Your Face
And Kiss You

For a moment, my heart stops. I feel the heat creeping up my neck. How... what... oh my... fucking god. I don't know if I should laugh or cry or bury myself in a hole. Maybe all three. But instead I put my phone back into my pocket and close the umbrella.

The rain is still pouring down, but I don't care. Cold water hits my face. I close my eyes and reach up to the sky. The heat washes away from my face and I decide that right now, I'm somewhere between extremely happy, and utterly devastated.

I decide that's a good thing.

I'm completely soaked before I get inside. Freezing cold, confused and somehow relaxed. I leave wet footprints behind me on my way up to the dorms.

Gotta remember to say sorry to whoever has to clean that up.

When I enter the door, I must look insane. Wet to the bone, but with a smile. I put down the umbrella by the door. Roman as usual hasn't noticed that I've come back.

I take off my shoes. They're probably ruined. For some reason I don't care. My hoodie lands in the hamper, and I run my fingers through my wet hair.

"Shit, why are you soaked?" Roman's voice sounds behind me. "Just went out for a walk" I answer. My voice sounds different. Not like myself. I'm surprised and I sense that Roman noticed the change. "Weirdo" I hear he says under his breath.

I pretend I didn't hear it, but a tiny smile creeps onto my lips. His voice had a slight sense of amusement. Not condescension for once. I grab some clean clothes, my towel, and head to the showers.

The feeling of shower water on my face reminds me of the rain, but instead of cold and refreshing, it's warm and the freezing feeling leaves my muscles.

Back in the room, Roman is still sitting with his nose in the script. I'm somewhat hoping he's going to say something again, but he doesn't. I refuse to let my disappointment show and instead I pull out my phone.


you know that does sound fun.>
when are we doing it?

Send. Now to wait.

A few seconds later I hear Roman's phone notify him that there is a message. I sit down at my desk, pretending to be sketching, when I'm really looking at his smile, when he sees who it's from.

He opens the message, and his smile widens and there is a sparkle in his eyes that I never noticed before. He lets out a laugh and I look down at the blank page of my sketchbook.

I suddenly have an idea and my hand moves over the paper, leaving soft lines in grey. I haven't been able to draw much lately. But this. This is an idea. A breakthrough if you will. I'm finding that spark and I look over at him again. He's looking at his phone, still with that sparkle in his eyes.

How did I never see that before? I guess it's only there when he's happy and I've never seen him like this. Not that I wanted to before now.

I don't know.

I still don't get what's going on with me, and I can't figure out if I like it or not. What I do know, is this better not be like last time.


I wrote this in two days. Two freaking days! I am really proud of myself and so happy that I've been in such a good place with my writing. I really hope this continues because I'm making real progress with this book. And I hope you guys are still interested


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