Chapter 25.

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-Roman's POV-

There's yelling and cheering outside. Patton and Logan stop talking to listen. I open the window over my bed and look out. There are others doing the same. There's a crowd of people gathered close to the door to the building.

Oh fuck.

I run over and open the door. I don't close it and I don't look back to see if the others are behind me. What the hell is he thinking?!

If I didn't believe Patton and Logan before, I do now. Why else would be beating up Chad? I feel so dumb.

I'm out of breath when I open the doors to the courtyard. The crowd surrounds them. Why is it that whenever there's a fight, everyone scampers around to look? And it's only when an adult gets involved, they actually stop?

A push my way through the hoard. Virgil has Chad pinned to the ground. His back is turned to me, but I can see Chad's face. He looks terrified.

I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe Virgil would risk getting injured. For me essentially. Though it seems like he's winning.

"You're not worth it" I hear Virgil say as he lets go of Chad's arms. Chad quickly gets up and stumbles as he runs away. The crowd parts and he looks back at Virgil multiple times, to check he's not following. There is blood on the front of his shirt and his nose is messed up. It seems Virgil got some punches in. Good.

The crowd starts to clear, and Virgil is still sitting on the pavement. I just stand and look at him for a while. I can't see his face. His shoulders slump and he runs his hand through the purple mane.

Then he stands up and my heart starts beating faster. I start walking closer as he turns around. He looks pretty bad, but not as bad as Chad. I couldn't care less.

I can see the surprise on his face when he sees me. He opens his mouth as if he's about to say something, but I stop him by grabbing the collar of his t-shirt and pulling him in for a kiss. After a moment, his surprise subsides, and I feel him kissing me back. I put my free hand on his neck, and he pulls me closer.

Don't let go. Please don't let me go.

He kisses me like no one has ever kissed me before. Like he's been starving. It's like he's been holding back from kissing me for months and now he can't control himself anymore. Maybe that's actually what he's been doing all this time.

-Virgil's POV-

"You're not worth it" I hiss. Chad's eyes are filled with horror. I remove my arms and he scrambles up and runs away. I don't bother looking after him. He's running away like the coward he is. He did look pretty bad though. I probably do too.

Doesn't really matter.

People are leaving and I don't get up. Not immediately. I can't believe I actually did that. He deserved every hit, but I still can't believe it was actually me. I look at my hands. Just to check.

They're starting to bruise, and it hurts. I didn't notice the pain before now. I've been high on adrenaline and rage.

I guess I did actually do that. What the fuck am I going to do now?

I run my bruised hand through my hair and stand up. Then I turn around and there is Roman walking towards me. With purpose. He looks determined and nervous, and I try to ask him what he wants, but he cuts me off by pulling me closer. What the hell? What is going on? Why is he kissing me?

Oh fuck it. Just enjoy it. Explanation later.

I throw my cares away and pull him closer. His hand on my neck makes my skin tingle. Our bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. I've been wanting to kiss him for months, but this is better than I ever could have imagined.

Roman is holding unto me, as to keep me from leaving. I move my hand further up his back and press him even closer as a response.

Don't worry. I'm not leaving anytime soon.


About time that happened I'd say


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