Chapter 6.

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-Patton's POV-

I'm studying with Virgil in his room, but he doesn't seem very interested in homework. He seems more interested in talking about the guy he's met online.

"He's really nice, and we have a lot on common. And get this. He told me he goes here. To this school!" Virgil says excitedly. I can't help but chuckle. "What?"

"Nothing. It's just nice to see you like this" I reply.

"Like what?" he asks.

"In love."

He scoffs. "I'm not in love" he says in that exact way, where you know he isn't being completely honest. And his nostrils flare when he lies. He doesn't know that though.

"Right. You're not in love. Of course. You don't talk about him all the time or hurry to check your phone when it beeps to see if he's replied" I remark and I can't help but smile, when his eyes widen in surprise, because he knows I'm right. Oh kiddo.

"I... I don't know how I feel. I just... he makes me smile, okay?" he confesses, and I giggle. Virgil looks down at his hands, avoiding looking me in the eyes.

"So tell me more about him!" I demand and he smiles. "Okay" Virge begins and I pull my legs up on his bed, to concentrate on what he is telling me. "So, as I mentioned, he goes here. Umm he... likes Disney movies, which you probably know already. He loves musical theatre and he uses a lot of winky faces." I laugh at the last part. I can hear how much he likes him.

"And he's kind of dramatic and capitalises every single word" he chuckles. Uh this is serious.

"Oh my gosh Virge. You are so into this guy. This is SO CUTE!" I exclaim. I have to jump around on his bed, I'm so excited. Virgil laughs. "Pat. Pat! Don't jump on the bed. You're gonna get yourself hurt, you weirdo."

"Sorry" I say and stop jumping. "It just makes me so happy, seeing you like this."

He looks down at his hands again, but I can see how he tries not to smile from behind his bangs.

"It's getting late. I should go back. Goodnight kiddo" I tell him and collect my stuff. "Night Pat" he yawns. I wave as I leave the room. "Sleep tight" I add as I close the door and start to walk down the hall towards my own room.

You know now that I think about it, the guy who he's been talking to, sounds suspiciously like Roman. The dramatic thing and the musical theatre. Nah I'm probably just overthinking it. There is no way it's him. How would that even be possible?

-Logan's POV-


"I am in love!" Roman announces loudly as he walks through the door to my dorm room. Alright.

"And hello to you too" I say, not bothering to look up from my work. My indifference towards his declaration, is because of the fact that he declares his love for something, quite often. Through the corner of my eye, I see Roman sitting down on my desk, with a wide smile.

"Oh Logan" he begins. "This isn't like all those other times." It is safe to say that, that isn't the first time I have heard that either. But I am still not removing my eyes from my work, which Roman almost sat on, when he planted himself on the edge of my desktop.

"I am in love with a guy. A real life person" he says dreamily and stares off into nothingness.

I lift my gaze, intrigued.

"And who might this person be?" I enquire. I have to admit that I am rather curious as to this development in Roman's life.

"It's this guy I've been talking to online" Roman answers, emerging from the daze he was in and hopping down onto the floor. "He... he is magnificent." Roman spreads out his arms as if he wants to embrace the air.

I must admit that I am happy about this, but he is acting even more ludicrous than usual. Now he is spinning in the middle of the floor with his eyes closed, like an insane person. "That is great Roman, but I would appreciate if you sat down, instead of acting like a lunatic" I say.

He stops and sits down on my bed across from me. I remove myself from my work, because I can sense that Roman is eager to discuss the situation with me. And frankly, I do want to learn about this mysterious person, who has Roman in such spirit.

"Well first of all, I am not acting like a lunatic. I am in love. That's totally different" he states.

I roll my eyes. "You don't have to be offended" I add. "Secondly" he starts, ignoring my previous statement. "He is a guy I started talking to on Wattpad a few weeks ago. He calls himself 'emo_nightmare'. He is a Disney fan and he told me that he goes here. It's incredible how we ended up talking to each other, and being so close, without knowing it."

This is a fascinating turn of events. "He told you he goes here?" I repeat, just to be sure I heard correctly.

Roman nods.

"But you don't know his real name?"

Roman shakes his head.

"I would like to, but he doesn't want to tell me. He doesn't want to tell me how he looks either and doesn't have Instagram and therefore can't show me how he looks. And I respect his privacy, so he doesn't have to tell me. I haven't told him any of that about me either" Roman explains.

Hmm. How curious. "Are you sure he isn't a catfish?" I ask.

"No. He knows the school too well. He's talked about his classes and where he likes to hang out on campus." I raise my eyebrows. "I haven't sought him out or anything. I do really respect the fact that he doesn't want me to know who he is!" he defends himself.

"It's alright Roman. I am not accusing you of anything" I tell him, and he calms down.

We talk about it for a while. It is a peculiar situation. Because the more Roman tells me about this guy, the more he seems like Virgil. Roman doesn't seem to realise that though, indicating that he clearly doesn't notice anything about his roommate, other than how irritating he apparently is.

I do not tell him this however, because he would just get offended again, saying that he would know if it really was Virgil, and that he would never have fallen in love with him then.

When Roman leaves, I can't seem to concentrate on my work again. What if it really was Virgil who he has been communicating with?


They fell quick and hard. You tell me if it was too quick. I don't think so. There is still a lot more drama to come ; )


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