Chapter 8.

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-Logan's POV-

-A few days later-

"It might have been too much for me to expect for you to keep it a secret from your best friend" I admit after Patton tells me, that he told Virgil about our theory. "I'm sorry Logie, but it just felt wrong to lie to him."

I smile and can see him relax a little. "It's nice that you care about him so much, but what exactly is going to happen now?" I ask.

He shrugs his shoulders.

"We have to get proof" I say. Patton nods aggressively. "It would be too suspicious to directly ask Roman about it. I might be the smartest between him and me, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't realise our motives. We have to be clever."

I start pacing around the room.

"We could invite them both over for a relaxing evening, but with ulterior motives to somehow get proof for our theory. But how?" I think aloud.

I can see Patton thinking very hard, through the corner of my eye. "We could play 'truth or dare'?" he suggests.

"That's good Patton. Roman wouldn't suspect that we were trying something if we just invite them over for a friendly game of 'truth or dare'" I say. This could work. I just have to figure out a way for us to subtlety get proof from Roman.

"Text Virgil" I tell Patton and he pulls out his phone. "And you can tell him the truth this time. But tell him to act normal."

He nods.

-Virgil's POV-


Patton told me to come over for a hangout that was really a plot to get proof of the whole Roman thing. I honestly don't know if I can handle it. I want to know if it is him or not, but I also don't want to, because what if it really is him? Then what the hell am I going to do?

Roman wasn't in the room when I left so he might already be in Patton and Logan's room. I really don't know what to expect.

I arrive and hesitate before I knock on the door. A smiling Patton opens the door. He's thrown all blankets and pillows down on the floor and arranged them in a circle. Bags of chips, bottles of soda.

This whole thing, whatever it is, I'm sure would be much easier with alcohol, but Patton (and probably Logan) don't approve of underage drinking.

"Hey Virge! Nice to see ya buddy" Patton exclaims. I roll my eyes and try not to smile. I fail. "Pat we saw each other earlier" I say. He yanks me through the door by my arm and forces me to sit on the pillow the furthest away. I get the feeling that this is intentional. You wouldn't immediately be able to see me when walking through the door.

Logan is sitting by his desk with his nose in two different books, switching back and forth from the two and his computer. Patton sees me looking in his direction. "He is so concentrated on his work. He thought he could just quickly get some work done before we started this whole thing" he says.

I can hear the admiration in his voice. He has that goofy smile on his face that he only gets when he likes someone.

"Someone has a crush" I tease. He give me an annoyed push, but the goofy smile remains plastered across his face.

-Roman's POV-

Logan asked me over to hangout which is unusual since he actually used that word. 'Hanging out' with Logan normally means studying, so I brought my homework. And I am going to force him to rehearse a scene with me even though he hates it.

When I reach his room I don't bother knocking and just open the door wide. Logan looks up from his work completely unsurprised since I have a habit of barging into his room like this.

"Greetings my nerdy friend" I say and close the door. "Hello Roman. It's nice to see you" he answers with slight irritation in his voice. Oh he loves me.

"Logan I have a scene to rehearse and I am forcing you to play opposite me and then you gotta help me with this essay" I begin. "Roman that is actually not why I asked you to come over" Logan interrupts.

This is... confusing. Logan doesn't want to study?!

I don't say anything, so he continues. "I asked you to come and hang out. We thought we could play truth or dare." He gestures to my right, and I see Patton sitting on the floor surrounded by blankets, and beside him... ugh.


I turn away from them and look at Logan, annoyed. He looks as though he is completely clueless of the fact that he invited my stupid roommate and ambushed me with whatever this is. I send him a look to say 'seriously?' but he just shrugs his shoulders and smirks.

He sure does love me. Why the hell is he ambushing me?

"Logan what the hell?" I hiss at him as silently as possible, not wanting the others to hear my annoyance of the situation, but still wanting an explanation from Logan. He doesn't answer me.

I can feel Virgil's eyes in my back. He probably has that smug smile on his stupid face.

Well I probably wouldn't have come if he had told me Virgil was coming too. I want to deal with that idiot as little as possible, and Logan knows this. He just chose to ignore it because of... whatever this is.

I turn around to face them, but the view is just as strange as before. I reluctantly sit down on a pillow across from Virgil. He looks awkwardly at his hands. At least he isn't spitting snide comments at me. Though I can't for the life of me, think of why.

Logan sits down the pillow to my left. "Okay let's get this started!" Patton says. "Logan. Truth or dare?"


Don't worry it's going to be even more awkward later he he. Just you wait.


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