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Aiden felt like he was being cooked alive in a huge oven at the moment.

They (him and Ash) were seated in the living room watching some tv soapie that they haven't gotten the name of with the air conditioning set on its highest.

Aiden groaned as he sunk down the couch, losing interest on what was playing. "I'm so bored"

Asher nodded in agreement as he switched off the television "Same shorty same"

Aiden glared at the name but was too lazy to fight so he opted for sticking his tongue out instead.

He plopped his face onto one of the couch cushions with a deep sigh.

A ding filled his ears but he paid no mind to it, knowing that it wasn't his phone.

A groan follow after making Aiden lift his head.

Asher was scowling at his phone as he typed out what Aiden assumed was a reply.

"What?" he asked, adjusting his glasses on the tip of his nose.

He should've put in his fucking contacts.

"Mom needs us to go grocery shopping" Ash huffed.

Aiden groaned;"oh fuck my life"

It was obvious that the two brothers hated grocery shopping with every fibre of their beings.

Honestly, they would much rather be fucking sweeping the whole neighborhood than going grocery shopping.

"Who goes grocery shopping on a Sunday anyway" Aiden whined, almost falling face first off the couch.

"Mellisa Martins. That's who"

Aiden wanted to cry, which, he admits, was a bit too much but honestly that's just how he felt. Deal with it.

"Let's go. I'd rather not face mother's wrath" Ash sighed as he stood up from the couch, stretching his limbs.

Aiden silently agreed. Mellisa's wrath was something no-one in their family wanted to face. He really wasn't in the mood for a scolding.

The boy's made their way out the house, double checking if it was locked before piling into Asher's car.

Aiden quickly grabbed the aux before Asher reached it and plugged it into his phone.

Soon the boys begrudgingly made their way to the supermarket.

"Is that all?"

"Nope, we still need some cereal and two tubs of ice-cream"

Aiden gave his brother a deadpanned look "we walked past the aisle with the cereal like ten minutes ago you fucking idiot"

"Oh shut it shorty. It's not my fault I don't know my way around"

"We've been coming to this fucking supermarket for the last six years!"

"You speak as though you know your way around. You still get lost at school sometimes despite how fucking long you've been there. So you really shouldn't be talking"

Aiden huffed, clearly losing the argument.

It's not my fucking fault. That school's fucking huge and I have bad memory

Asher grinned at him before pushing the shopping cart as he made his way to where the cereal was—or where he thought it was.

"Hey Aiden, you think you could get the ice-cream?"

Aiden groaned,  reluctantly walking out of the aisle they were currently standing in, maneuvering his way through people before freezing as realization sunk in.

He was going the wrong way, dammit.

With a groan Aiden turned around swiftly, his mind set on going back to where he came from, cussing the living hell out of Asher for sending him in the first place.

Walking past the rows of aisles, a particular shelf caught his attention.

Was that...HOT CHEETOS!?

Quickly rushing to the shelf, he grabbed a good three packets, a grin painting his face as he walked backwards—back to the shopping cart that he stupidly left behind.

Not watching where he was going (and because he was an idiot) he tripped over his own two feet like a kindergartner and saw his life flash before his eyes, feeling himself falling. Closing his eyes tight, he waited for the harsh he was about to make with the ice cold floor.

Thankfully, the universe decided to show him mercy that day and he felt arms engulfed his frame, preventing him from harshly hitting the cold tiled floor.

He slowly peeled his eyes open, heart beating frantically in his chest as his eyes met with ocean blue ones.

"Careful" a deep husky voice spoke, sending Aiden into a daze for a moment.

Dammit, that was hot.

Stop it.

His eyes widened as he realized that he was still in the male's hold. He quickly took a few steps back, apologizing profusely.

"I am so so so so fuc- fricking sorry. I should have watched where I wa-"

"Hey it's okay, really" The male cut off Aiden's rambling.

Aiden almost fainted on the spot when he caught sight of a small, teeny tiny smile playing on the male's.

That was one gorgeous fucking smile.

Snap out of it Aiden. You're seriously not having a gay panic in a fucking grocery store.

"Right sorry" he squeaked out before furrowing his brows.

Why was he here again? Oh right, ice cream.

"Riiight" he dragged out, giving the handsome stranger a sheepish smile "I gotta go. It was nice meeting you"

The stranger chuckled "Like wise"

Okay so Aiden might've just died.

Soon he had returned to Asher's side with two tubs of ice-cream with a smile on his face, which had recieved a weird look from Asher but the blonde ignored it because he's savage like that.

"The fuck you smiling like a doll for?" Asher raised a brow.

"Wouldn't you like to know" Aiden mumbled in response, smile still huge on his face.

"I do, that's why I asked. Dumbass"

"Oh fuck off. Why so interrogative"

Asher snorted "If you feel interrogated then you're definitely fucking guilty of something. Now spill it pipsqueak"

Aiden rolled his eyes "I was really about to tell you till you pulled out the pipsqueak so fuck no"



"short ass"

"cu- I'm literally five'ten you dick"

"the fucks I give equals up to zero. I'm taller than you, therefore you're short. Suck it up short man"

"you're such a fucking sixth grader" Aiden grumbled, already sick of this conversation.

"says the one pouting"


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