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The usual blue sky had morphed into a depressing grey, dampening the male's mood even more.

he woke up heavily bothered

An explanation was in order even though he knew he need not to give one but, fuck him, he was just so fucking nice.

It all started after Aiden met his mother, which by the way, went fucking spectacular, thanks for asking.

The short woman not so kindly dragged him to the couch (by the ear but we won't talk about that) with a serious as fuck expression on her face.

Matias was confused, to say the least because why did his mother look like she was about to give him the sex talk.

He stayed silent though, watching his dear mother with observant eyes because he could feel that this was no joke.

"What's wrong ma?" he cautiously asked, brows furrowed.

"Do you really like him?" his ma asked after a few minutes of silence.

Matìas furrowed his brows as he stared into his mother's hazel eyes.

It was a rather odd question because he was pretty sure he made it clear that what he felt for Aiden was beyond what a friend felt for another friend.

"Of course ma. I thought it was obvious"

Lilah frowned slightly as she shifted in her seat "it is true that actions speak louder than words. but sometimes one's actions could mean the opposite of what truly needs to be said"

Matìas clicked his tongue in confusion "I'm sorry ma but I don't follow"

Lilah nodded "Let me put it like this. How does Aiden make you feel?"

Matìas sat up straight at the question as he smiled.

Aiden made him feel so many things that he stumbled a bit over his words as he animatedly went into detail about Aiden.

His mother sat back, smiling as she nodded, showing her son that he had her full attention.

Lilah had never seen her son speak of someone so fondly before. It was a shocking sight yet all she felt was pure happiness.

She was happy that her boy finally found someone who understood him and helped him when things got rough in times when she was unable to.

At first when Matias came home with a smile on his face, Lilah had been confused and curious.

'who was it that made him smile like that' she wondered and it had taken a while until Matìas told her about their next door neighbour.

She felt a bit guilty for not being able to meet their neighbours earlier but that thoughts were pushed away when Matìas audibly sighed.

'He's special ma' he had said and all Lilah did was smile.

And as she stared at her son now and compared him to how he spoke about Aiden then, she couldn't help but chuckle softly as it had finally sunken in.

He wasn't even aware that he was rambling.

"You love him"

Matìas stopped mid- rant and stared at his mother with wide eyes.

It sunk it.

How had he not realised before?

"I'm so dumb" he groaned "Yeah" he whispered "Yeah I do"

It finally hit him full force and he cussed.

"I love him ma" he jumped up "Oh my fucking god ma, I love him. HOLY SHIT I'M IN LOVE WITH AIDEN"

"uhuh" Lilah raised a brow "could you repeat that? don't think the penguins in Antarctica heard you"

Matìas smiled sheepishly "sorry" he fell back into the couch "but oh my god ma, I'm in love with him"

Lilah patted his knew "I know Matty. I know"

He was contemplating on whether or not to confess his love.

Was it too early?

They have known each other for at least seven months, so it couldn't have been that early, right?

Ah, but that was when reality slapped Matìas in the face.

They weren't even dating-what the fuck was up with that by the way?

"It is better to act now than to face the harsh reality of when someone comes in and swoops Aiden away from you forever"

Those were his mother's words and though he knew she was right, he couldn't help but still feel a bit scared.

He knew he loved Aiden, even though he only actually realised it yesterday, and he was sure Aiden felt the same way, but there still sat that underlying fear.

Fear of what?


Of course not. The sound of committing to Aiden sounded wonderful.

It was the fear of Aiden realising that Matìas just wasn't enough and he would leave to search for something, someone better. Someone perfect- and Matìas knew that he was nowhere near that. Perfect.

And it scared the shit out of him.

So what was he going to do now?

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