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Trees swayed violently, in the almost empty park.

The harsh wind kissed his cheeks.

It was common sense not to be out in this cold but he payed little to no mind to it.

His thoughts were elsewhere, surprisingly not on Matìas for once, but instead on his mother.

Matias had barged into his room at seven in the morning, dropping the bomb on him.

His mother wanted to meet Aiden.

Aiden being, well, Aiden, started freaking out almost immediately because what the actual fuck.

First of all, why would the Mrs Alexander want to meet him.

Second of all, how the fuck did she know about him?

Well, I mean, you are their neighbours, Aiden

Aiden groaned.

All kinds of thoughts started popping into his head. Y'know, the typical thoughts such as 'what if she doesn't like me' and 'what if she thinks I'm not good enough for her son'


They—Matìas and Aiden— weren't even fucking dating.

So what did this mean? Another step in, whatever the fuck this was?

This was confusing the living hell out of him.

He didn't even know what they were.

Sure they confessed their feelings, passionately made out and occasionally (more often so) cuddled, but that was all.

What do you even call the thing they have? A vibe?

Friends with benefits? he hoped not, those never seemed to last long.

All this thinking was fucking giving him a headache.

He stood up from the wooden park bench, adjusting his beanie before realising that perhaps what he needed was someone with much more experience.

Someone wiser.

Someone like Nora.

Contrary to popular belief, Nora too had her fair share of boyfriends, if more than eight counted as such.

She knew every little detail about what a relationship needed to have in order for it to function, the proper way to show your affection, how to ask someone out and how to break up with someone.

Aiden saw her as some sort of love guru.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, smiling at his wallpaper which was a picture of him and Matìas that he had taken that day at the fare, before sending a quick SOS to his best friend.

After making sure it was sent- and to the correct person, because that always seemed to be a problem- he made his way back.


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