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Aiden remembered when he use to live in the U.K due to his mother and father's job.

It was about three years ago and though there were fond memories that Aiden was sure he would never forget, there was also the bad, more hurtful memories that he swore he would never go back to.

He was a freshmen back then.

He was new, naive and desperate to make new friends.

On his second day as a freshmen, he met a boy. He sat next to Aiden in history and introduced himself. They spoke all throughout class. Dylan, was his name. He was sweet, Aiden had decided then. I mean, it was hard not to with his bright green eyes and friendly smile.

Soon Aiden found himself falling for the boy and he was scared. He didn't want to risk losing their friendship over some silly crush that he was sure would fade.

So he kept his feelings to himself.

Until one night, they were having a movie day at his old place and Dylan randomly kissed him on the lips.

Aiden was confused, that was for sure. Why did Dylan kiss him? Questions were burning and curiosity was reaching its peek. And fear had started bubbling. Was this a test? Did he know something?

"I- what-"

"Listen don't freak out okay. I get that it was uncalled for. I just...uhm- I kind of fancy boys and i just...I kind of just really wanted to kiss you and I think I might fancy you but it's okay if you don't feel the same way Aiden. I mean it is all a bit wack when you think about it. A lad just randomly kissed you throughout a movie. I mean I would've gone mad and-"

Aiden cut off his randomly by pulling him in for another kiss.

They started becoming more.... couple-y for lack of a better word and Aiden found himself becoming sure of his feelings for Dylan.

He decided to confess because well...he was certain Dylan felt the same way.

And he did.

And he felt the same.

And then they started dating.

Six months.

That's how long they've been dating when Aiden walked in on Dylan kissing another fellow.

It's quite laugh-worthy now when he thought about it.

And to think that he was absolutely sure that Dylan atleast returned a fraction of what he felt yet he ended up as an MC who walked in on her boyfriend kissing another chick, only difference was that the 'chick' was a six foot dude with black hair.

That was the short version of the story.

And now here he was, three years later, in California, facing the same dickhead who decided to cheat on him with a taller dude.

He immediately confronted the male and broke up with him.

Not even two weeks later, Aiden found himself back in the U.S where he met Nora and blah blah blah the rest is history.

Dang, time really flew by hadn't it?

But that didn't matter, because he had Matìas now, and he'd be damned if he'd let anything happen to them.

"Is that any way to greet an old lover, love?"

Aiden shivered in disgust. "Why are you here Dylan?"

He wasn't in the mood for beating around the bush. Especially with the dude who cheated on him with someone taller than him.

Yes, he was never going to get over it. He was petty like that. Fight him.

What was this, ex on the beach? Nah. More like ex on his doorstep.

Matìas stood next to him, arms folded over his chest and face set into a glare.

Aiden was sure that if Dylan made atleast one wrong move, he was a goner for sure.

"Well...I've been doing some thinking-"

"For three years?" Aiden cut him off.

Matìas snorted from beside him, making his lips curl up into a smile.

"I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of our business, lad" Dylan spat at Matìas.

Blue eyes smiled in response, but there was absolutely nothing friendly about it. "Or what? You gonna come at me, pretty boy, hmm?"

Aiden had to stop himself from chuckling as he grabbed ahold of Matias' hand to try to calm him down.

It worked.

Matìas' body relaxed and he sighed, squeezing Aiden's hand in response showing him that he was okay.

Aiden grinned "Listen, Dylan, if that's all, we'll be leaving now"

"Ah, so you're the infamous Dylan? Damn I was expecting a 'lil....more"

Okay now that had Aiden laugh.

Dylan looked furious as he stared at Aiden and Matias' 'intwined hands. He snapped his gaze to Aiden, scowling at his words "But I haven't even started yet" answering to his previous words before glaring at Matìas who chuckled.

"Oh please" Matìas snorted "We can already see how this'll play out. You come from the U.K to tell Aiden you've been missin' him and shit and that you want him back. He rejects you and tells you he has someone else. You become a whiny 'lil bitch and refuse to give up. I punch you for not leaving Aiden alone which drives you away and we all live happily fucking after. The end."


Matìas clicked his tongue playfully "So we goin' by script then? Damn. I mean...atleast I get to punch you" He suddenly turned serious "though we could fast forward and I do it now rather than later"

"Okaaaay" Aiden dragged out, stepping between the two males who were now in fighting mode. "no violence please"

Matìas sighed playfully, staring lovingly at Aiden "what the boyfriend wants, the boyfriend gets"

Aiden raised a brow, butterflies making an entrance at the wrong time "boyfriend, ey? when'd that happen"

"since now baby" Matìas smirked.

Dylan was long forgotten as the two males stepped closer.

"I don't remember being asked"

"Well in that case" Matìas placed a hand on Aiden's cheek, making his heartbeat spike "Would you do me the honours of being my boyfriend, love?"

"Of course" Aiden breathed out before adding a playful "thought you'd never ask"

Well this definitely wasn't planned, Aiden thought.

But he wasn't complaining.

He turned to see that Dylan was gone. He snorted at that.

Matìas caught on and chuckled. "Well that was one way of making him leave"

"I know right" Aiden giggled before staring into those blue eyes "Now kiss your boyfriend you big dork"

Matìas' smiled and Aiden was sure there was a whole zoo partying in his stomach at this point.

There better not be spiders though, he hated spiders. They were absolutely revolting.

"With pleasure"

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