Bonus Chapter

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Aiden blinked in surprise. Frowning, he asked "What do you mean no? I haven't even said anything yet"

Matìas let out a snort "I think I've been dating you long enough to know just exactly what you might be thinking. Also, you're just really easy to read" he ended off with a shrug.

Aiden offered an eye roll, taking offense "fine then. If I'm so easy to read, then tell me. What I was thinking about?"

Matìas let out a bored sighed "you were thinking about throwing me a surprise birthday party. But it's hardly a surprise now, is it"

Aiden frowned "well that's just rude. How dare you read my thoughts"

"Again, you're just easy to read"

Aiden let out a dry laugh before dropping down next to Matìas who in turn wrapped an arm around him, pulling him to his chest.

"What do you want for your birthday then? Anything is okay...well except for my Pikachu plushie, you can't get that" he mumbled against Matìas.

Matìas let out a snort, threading his hands through Aiden's hair "Pikachu is all yours love. And to answer your question, just being with you is enough. I need nothing more"

Aiden removed the hand in his hair and sat up, a frowned gracing his lips "As sweet and romantic as that is, it's not an answer I'll accept. Surely there must something you want"

Matìas mimicked Aiden's frown and grabbed ahold of him, pulling him back to his chest.

"I'm serious Aiden. I don't need anything. Honest. Spending my birthday with you is enough. Besides, I'm not a big fan of birthday parties or anything like that"

Aiden sighed in defeat, his eyes fluttering shut as Matìas pulled them back into a laying position and returned his hand to Aiden's hair, threading through it slowly.

"But it's your first birthday that i'll be spending with you as your boyfriend. I at least want to make it memorable"

"Every moment with you is memorable, Aiden"

As heart melting as that was, Aiden still couldn't accept it as a final answer.

He spent the rest of the day dwelling on what he could do for Matìas without it being big and loud.

He said he hated birthday parties and anything relating to it and just spending time with Aiden was enough.

Finally, an idea struck him late at night.

It was perfect. Amazing. Genius. Why hadn't he thought of it before?

Letting a mischievous grin paint his face, he grabbed his notebook which sat next to him and started jotting down ideas and the necessities he needed.

All he had was two days to plan everything out.

He'd make this the most memorable birthday ever.


Aiden grinned as he leaned against Matìas's car, awaiting the male's arrival in front of his house.

At last, the door opened and Matìas stepped out, looking as delicious as ever as he ran a hand through his hair.

Aiden almost drooled at the sight but immediately reminded himself that there were more important matters to attend to than drooling over his boyfriend.

Matìas looked up and smiled at Aiden which he gladly returned.

When Matìas was close enough Aiden wrapped his arms around his neck and gave him a big sloppy kiss on the. cheek. Face. Not booty.

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