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Aiden was freaking out in the bathroom on a late Friday afternoon.


Because he just fucking realized that today was the day his parents would meet Matìas' mother.

How he had forgotten such an important thing was beyond him.

It was decided about two weeks ago that his mother and father just had to meet Lilah and Oliver, especially since Aiden and Matías were now officially dating

His mother's words, not his.

He agreed to it, partially because he knew that his mother was right and partially because he was too tired to argue then.

Aiden had told Matìas who, in turn, told Lilah and Oliver.

Ash even promised to cancel his plans so that he could attend as well which Aiden repeatedly assured wasn't necessary but Ash was a stubborn little shit.

So it was not like Aiden could just cancel it.

Mainly because a) everyone would be disappointed and b) he was taught to overcome obstacles, not run away from it and cancelling plans just because you forgot about it and started freaking out in the bathroom just because of it was most definitely not the way to go.

It was agreed upon that they would be having lunch at his place in their back yard (his mother insisted) because today was a sunny day, which calmed his nerves a bit.

He had no idea of why he was nervous anyway. He had met Lilah and even got close with her, so he knew from first hand experience that she was an angel sent from above and Oliver was even more.

His parents would love them and visa versa.

Geez, why'd he always stress over the little things anyway.

He sighed, walking towards the basin and opening the tap, watching as the water ran on and down his hands before wetting his face.

Walking to his closet, he stared at the mess of colours, a frown on his lips as he tried to figure out what the actual hell he should put on.

This was a meeting between two families for goodness sake.

Matìas and his family.

So there was nowhere in hell that he was going to pull up in sweats and some random tee (his mom would wack him on the head, pull him by his ear and demand that he put on something decent— it's happened before).

Considering that the weather was 'great' he decided on some light distressed skinny jeans and a black and white tee with the words 'eat, repeat' all over it (it was his favourite) and his white Converse to match.

Simple but he was feelin it.

He ruffled his damp hair saying 'fuck it' and left to deal with his mother's shouting of how everything had to be perfect (she was a perfectionist at times)

The doorbell rang at about two- thirty-five in the afternoon.

Aiden was the first at the door, mainly because he wanted to be the first to see his boyfriend (he still hasn't gotten use to the word) and Lilah (she was his favourite.)

He opened the door with a grin on his face which quickly dropped when he saw who was at the door.

"The fuck are ya doin' here. Again."

Dylan opened his mouth to talk but got cut off

"Aidy who's at the door- what are you doing here" Ash pulled a face as he stood behind Aiden.

"Asher, always a pleasure"

Ash scoffed "can't relate"

Aiden had to stop himself from laughing.

This wasn't a matter of 'your brother hates your ex 'cause they broke up with you' type of situation because Ash hated Dylan since the first day Aiden took him to his place. (the silent glares were of proof enough)

He rolled his eyes "you still haven't answered the question blondie, what're ya doin here"

Dylan smiled "well, since it seems that you're little bodyguard isn't around to stop me-"

"Think again, you prick" Matias' voice filled Aiden's ears and he grinned.

Ew, he was so in love it was disgusting.

Dylan scowled and turned around, coming face to face with Matìas (not really, Matìas was like a hand's length taller)

"I thought I told you to stay away from my boyfriend"

"You didn't possibly think that I would stay away, did you? I'm not that easily thrown away"

"Damn, your parents must've had a tough life then" Matìas jokingly pouted "Please leave"

Dylan was frustrated, it showed in his expression "I'm not leaving until I talk to Aiden"

Oh for fucks sake.

"Aight, here I am. Speak"

Dylan let out a relieved sigh.

"Look Aiden, I know we ended off on the wrong foot-"

"-with you cheating on me?"

"-and I get that it was my fault but I really do love you and I've been thinking about this for a while-"

"-is three years even a while?" Ash mumbled from behind him.

That's what I said, Aiden thought.

"but I want you back. You made me happy and that kiss was just a stupid mistake" his green eyes turned to Aiden "the only thing that'll make me leave is if you tell me you don't feel the same-"

"Oh really? is that for real all?" Dylan's face dropped and Aiden would say that he felt guilty but he didn't want to lie.... "I'm sorry Dylan but I don't feel the same way. And you know I have a boyfriend"

"You love him" Dylan whispered sadly.  It wasn't a question, but a fixed statement.

Aiden glanced at Matìas who stared back at him and smiled before turning back to Dylan "I'm sorry Dylan"

Dylan smiled a little "It's okay. I understand. I mean it's my fault anyway. I'll leave. Goodbye Aiden"

The three males watched as Dylan got into his car and drove off.

"Ugh now I can finally kiss you" Aiden sighed and hooked his arms around Matìas' neck who in response, wrapped his arms around his waist.

"You've been thinking 'bout kissin me?" Matìas smirked, pressing their foreheads together

"All the time"

"I don't want to see this" Ash cried out before the sound of the door slamming shut was heard.

Aiden chuckled before staring at Matìas "So"


"Are you ever gonna kiss me?"

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