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"No mom I don't want any broccoli"

A soft snicker made Aiden stir for a brief moment before going right back to sleep.


"Mom! No broccoli!" Aiden muttered in his sleep, a frown creeping onto his sleeping face.


Aiden shot up, almost falling off the bed in the process. He groaned, blinking profusely.

Frowning in confusion his eyes darted from left to right.

"What the fuck"

Wasn't him mom trying to feed him broccoli just now?

"Come on. If you don't get up now mom's going to wack you on the head with the spatula" Asher picked his brother up with a laugh before dropping him off in his connected bathroom.

Why was he being picked up like a toddler?

Aiden furrowed his brows together, his body still half asleep.

He waddled his way to the basin- don't ask why- groaning as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.


One word to describe how he looked at that moment.

His hair looked like it got caught in a tornado,it was standing all over the place, in all directions. His lips looked thicker than usual and he thought he saw some drool at the corner them.

Letting out another groan, Aiden washed his face and lazily brushed his teeth.

He leaned forward to turn on the shower, scowling in pain when his arm pulled stiff.

Damn, he was really outta shape.

Aiden let out a small, tired sigh of relief as he finally managed to open the tap, shrieking as ice cold water hit him in the face amd wetting his clothes.

"Great. Just fucking great" he muttered miserably to himself.

Peeling off his wet clothes, he stepped into the shower, sighing as the warm water cascaded down his body, the heat engulfing him making him feel at peace.

After doing his business, Aiden stepped back into his room and to his closet where he contemplated on what to wear.

Be lazy and do hoodie or put effort in and do t-shirt?

Aiden rolled his eyes and grabbed a black knitted sweater that sat in a corner of the closet with a pair of dark jeans.

He lazily slipped into his clothes and putting on his black converse before slowly making his way downstairs.

The sweater hung off of one shoulder but he really wasn't in the mood to care. Fuck he was exhausted.

The fuck was he even doing last night?

The sounds of pots and pans hittimg against eachother filled Aiden's ears as he neared the kitchen.

Aiden lazily plopped onto one of chairs at the island.

"Good morning sunshine" Asher grinned, chuckling as his brother grumbled and slid lower in his seat.

He noticed his mother and father's absence at the table.

"Do you really threaten me with mom and dad?"

Ash smirked "It worked though, didn't it"

Aiden rolled his eyes "Do we have to go to school today?"

"Unfortunately yes. They'll call mom and dad if we're absent. But look on the bright side, you get to see Nora"

Aiden perked up slightly at the mention of his best friend, failing to notice the way Asher smiled as he said her name.

He hasn't seen Nora since last week Friday and he wondered how she hadn't crossed his mind. He missed the girl with blue hair.

Yes, blue hair.

She sort of reminded Aiden of Joy from the Disney movie Inside Out.

With her preppy, always happy personality it made sense. The hair was just another reason why.

After both boys had finished eating breakfast, they grabbed their bags and made their way out the house, double checking to make sure it was locked.

The drive to school was atleast twenty minutes long and Aiden soon found himself dosing off to the soft music playing in the background.

"Aidy come on, we're here" the sound of Asher's voice interrupted Aiden's short nap.

Aiden groaned as he sat up straight. He lazily rubbed his eyes, a small yawn leaving his lips as he did so.

Asher watched his brother with an amused smile "What time'd you go to bed?"

"I don't fucking know" Aiden sighed, dragging his hands down his face "Probably around five"

"Aiden you need to step heading to bed that late. You're fucking up your sleep schedule"

Aiden snorted, his lids slowly dropping "It's always been fucked up, dad"

"Oi, you can't fall asleep again" Asher cursed under his breath, quickly unbuckling his seat belt and opening the door, rushing to his brother's side.

"I'm not falling asleep. I'm just....I'm just resting eyes" Aiden mumbled softly.

Asher groaned and opened the door, pulling his brother out of the seat.

Aiden stumbled forward before regaining his balance.

Aiden felt fingers make their way around his wrist tugging him forward.

"Come on sunshine. To school we go!"

"Atleast you sound fucking excited" Aiden muttered but allowed himself to be dragged, too tired to walk on his own without falling and sleeping on the ground, which, sounded very tempting to him, mind everyone

Wouldn't have been the first time he would have done it too.

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