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"And where the fuck where you?" Asher's beautiful voice welcomed him as he stepped into the house. Not.

Aiden gave him a dirty look before rushing to the pantry and checking on his box of cocopops, letting out a relieved sigh when he found that it was still closed.

"I didn't actually steal from your shit" he caught side of Asher's bemused expression "i honestly don't even know why you like it"

"You don't have to know. You just have to accept it and move on" Aiden sighed, walking to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water from out of it.

"Anyway you didn't answer my question" Ash followed him into the kitchen, hopping onto the kitchen counter "where were you?"

Aiden gulped on the water before sighing "I was with Matías. We went to a cafe or whatever"

Ash raised a brow "Cafe? With Matías? The new guy?"

Aiden nodded "Yeah. Did you know he lives next door?"

Aiden only found out after Matías dropped him off and then parked in the driveway next door.

"Guess this is where we part" Matìas stopped the car infront of Aiden's house.

"Yep" Aiden said, popping the p.

"See you tomorrow?"

"Of course" Aiden nodded with an enthusiastic smile, almost having forgotten that they attended the same school.

they soon parted and Aiden watched with a smile on his face as Matías put the car in reverse, only to turn around and park in the neighbour's driveway.

He stared in confusion at the sight.

Why was he parking in the neighbor's driveway?


New neighbours.Matías. Matías. New neighbours.

Realization slapped him in the face and he gasped "You fucking live next door!?" he shrieked after Matías locked the car and stood on the porch.

"You hadn't known? shame on you Aiden"

"He does? Talk about a lovely coincidence"

"I guess. What?" He narrowed his eyes as he caught sight of Ash smirking.

"Are you two..." He trailed off and if Aiden was still drinking water, he would have no doubt spit it out.

"What" he shrieked, realizing what Ash meant, cheeks warming up "No. Absolutely not"

Asher raised a brow at him, and Aiden silently cursed himself for losing composure

Aiden cleared his throat "I mean no. we're not dating" he replied stiffly.

" But you like him?" Ash pushed, his smirk only growing bigger.

"What!?" Aiden shrieked once again before quickly composing himself. "No. No i don't"he said quickly. Too quickly.

"I really don't" he said, flustered after seeing Ash's unconvinced gaze. "I'm going to bed" he mumbled and quickly rushed up stairs.

"LIAR" Ash called from downstairs and Aiden groaned, cheeks heating up "NO I'M NOT" he slammed his door shut and plopped face first on the bed, not bothering to turn on the light.

So much for keeping composure.

Sighing softly,  a light smile unknowingly tugged at his lips as he stared at his ceiling which was littered  in glow-in-the-dark stars (that he had gotten when he was younger and sort-of forgot about) like a fucking middle-school girl who just went on a fucking date with her crush.

But that wasn't the case.

He did not like Matías.

And they did not go on a date.

They were just two bros catching a coffee together and getting to know each other.

Nothing else.


It was almost three in the morning and his mind had done nothing but replay the moments he spent with Matìas.

He blamed Asher for being so fricking nosy.

As much as he loved the guy, the dude was hella fucking nosy whenever it came to Aiden's dating life.

Seriously, he should focus on his own.

Like why would he even ask if Matías and him were dating?? It wasn't necessary in the slightest.

Speaking of Matías, why wasn't Aiden aware of the fact that he lived next door?

Someone could've at least told him. It would have been very much appreciated.

"Vampire? Well do you feel about me sucking your blood?"

Aiden blushed and cleared his throat, turning his eyes away from the sealing and closing his eyes, in hope of falling asleep and forgetting all about what happened today.

"How do you feel about me sucking your blood?"

"Oh for fuck sakes" he groaned in frustration and sat up straight, turning on the lamp.




"Why the fuck do I keep thinking about that!?" He whined in frustration, hitting his pillow.

Maybe it was the way Matías said it.

The way his eyes darkened and voice deepened.

A shiver rolled down his spine as he remembered the way Matías looked him in the eye when he said it.

"Well do you feel about me sucking your blood?"

Aiden knew that Matías was no vampire. But the way he said sounded so tempting. So alluring to the point that he almost said 'say less'

It was wrong to think of Matías like that. After all, they were barely friends. Closer to acquaintances, if anything.

But deep down he couldn't help but wish that they were more.

More what?

What did he wish for?

For them to be friends? Or more than that?

Letting out one last groan, he threw his pillow to the far side of the room.

It was official. He definitely wasn't about to get any sleep tonight.

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