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"Why not?"

Aiden's brows furrowed.

If he was being completely honest, his thoughts had never travelled that far.

He thought he was content with what Matías and him had now, even though he was not sure of what that necessarily was.

He's never allowed his thoughts to wonder to that extent, afraid that he would just end up hurting his own feelings.

Set on insinuating that perhaps Matías was still figuring things out but never actually having an actual conversation about it, he'd just decided on going with the flow.

Or maybe it was that he was waiting for Matías to make the next move, afraid that if he, himself does, he would just end up fucking it over.

He was going about things all wrong.

He saw that now.

"Do you even want a relationship with him?"

He stared at his hands which were folded in his lap, trapped into a world where his thoughts were slowly piecing together, he almost hadn't heard Nora speak.

But he had though.

And he almost snorted at how dumb that question was.

Of course he wanted a relationship with Matias.

He wanted to be able to call Matías his boyfriend.

He wanted to hold hands with Matías without giving a shit about who sees and takes it the wrong way.

He wanted to be able to say that Matías was his as much as he was Matias'.

He wanted to tell girls who stared at Matías too long that he was taken and by him.

He wanted that sense of assurance that came with knowing that Matías was officially his.

Aiden clicked his tongue "what kind of question is that? of course I do"

"then what are you waiting for?" Ash raised a dark brow.

Aiden ran his eyes over his brother's face as he thought about it because what the fuck was he actually waiting for?

Hell to freeze over?

A sunny Christmas?

Because he knew damn well neither were bound to happen anytime soon.

He raised his hands, dragging them down his face as he groaned "Oh my god, I'm so fucking dumb"

"you could say that again" Ash snorted but a punch to the shoulder by his girlfriend effectively shut him up.

"Ow" Ash pouted and Aiden rolled his eyes.

"If you're sure about him and about what you want then I suggest you go for it. Take that next step and meet his mom, Aiden. You'll have to go through that sooner than later considering that y'all are neighbours" Nora ripped open a packet of Doritos, happily munching on it.

"I agree" Ash nodded his head.

"I don't remember asking whether you do or don't"

"Oh fuck off" Ash threw a pillow at him which he just barely dodged

"But seriously though. Go for it. Matías isn't someone who openly speaks about how he feels. He tends to keep things to himself. He's, how do I put this...for lack of a better word, closed off?" Ash furrowed his brows in thought

"He likes making people think that he doesn't care but Matías is someone who panicks over small details that he'd miss and he tends to distance himself when he doesn't have an idea on how to deal with certain situations"

Aiden nodded in agreement. That was the first thing he noticed about Matías when they started getting close.

"Like when he was hard on himself because he never asked me if I was allergic to anything? Wait how do you even know that shit" Aiden raised a brow "You talk to him?"

"First of all, it's based off of great observation and second of all, we're friends" Ash shrugged like it was no big deal.

Aiden's eyes widened "Oh my god and here I am talking to you about him" he narrowed his eyes at his brother "you tell him about anything I said regarding him and I'm telling Nora about that time"

Nora looked up from the chocolate bar she was basically gulping down, at the mention of her name "Huh?"

Ash narrowed his eyes in return "You wouldn't dare"

"Try me bitch"

"What's going on?" Nora asked, cheeks stuffed.

"Nothing bluey" Ash huffed, placing a noisy kiss on her forehead.

Aiden gagged.

"Ugh" he plopped himself on the bed "I feel like a weight's been lifted off my chest"

"Thanks to us" Ash muttered and Nora hummed in agreement.

"Honestly, what would he do without us" she teased, playing along after swallowing the chocolate in her mouth.

Aiden scoffed "Shut it you chipmunk"

Was it rude that he wanted to kick them out now that he's faced his problem?


After struggling- and succeeding- in getting the two disgusting love birds out of his room, he hopped on his bed and grabbed his phone.

He opened Matias' contact, fingers hovering over the keyboard before he typed and after taking a deep breath, he pressed sent.

Me: you know... meeting your mother doesn't sound half bad, actually (sent just now)

Lord, he only hoped he could make a good first impression because God knows he wanted Matias' mother to like him.

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