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Northbrook High was a stereotypical highschool with clićhe cliques and shit.

The populars being the main group. Consisting of all the pretty girls and handsome boys. The cheerleaders and the jocks. The rich kids.

Again, hella stereotypical.

Aiden realized that Matías might become a popular. he definitely had the looks. And the body . Aiden knew because of what happened in the hallway more or less an hour ago.

But anyway, Aiden soon shook those thoughts away with a snort.

'Cause let's face it, Matías would more than likely be standing under the title 'bad boy'.

He gave off this 'try to talk to me and I'll punch your face in' vibes and in honestly, Aiden found it hot as fuck.

But to be honest, Aiden never liked this whole stereotyping shit. It literally made no sense to him. Sure some people just aren't meant to get along, but wouldn't it be better to experience making new friends with people who are interested in different things than yourself, than always staying with same people who does?

Aiden loved his friends, that was no secret. But he always felt to make new friends along with them.

So again, these stereotypical highschool cliques and shit made zero sense to him.

Anyway back to Matías.There was something about the male that intrigued Aiden. Maybe it was the way his lips pulled down into a scowl.

Or the way his ocean blue eyes turned a darker shade.

Or the way his face turned void of any emotion the minute they stepped outside of the classroom.

Aiden had to admit, this Matías was hot.

He raised a brow at his thoughts. Hot? What the fuck was going on with him.

He must be going fucking insane.

As if sensing his stare, Matías turned to look at Aiden with a single brow raised.


Aiden cleared his throat, turning the other way. "Hmm? Oh nothing"

He felt the male stare at him for a moment longer (probably knowing that he was lying) before they stopped infront of the cafeteria doors.

Aiden turned to the side and looked up at the male.

Matías was a head or two taller than Aiden, but he didn't really mind the height difference.

"You going in?"

Matías shook his head "Nah. I still have some stuff to finish up with the secretary"

"Want me to go with you?" Aiden blurted out. 

Call him stupid, but he couldn't but want to spend more time with the male.

Was that weird?

" It's okay. I'm sure your friends are waiting for you. How about this? We meet each other after school?"

"What for?"

"You'll see" a mischievous grin played at his lips and Aiden narrowed his eyes.

He absolutely hated being curious.

"Good. Now off you go" Matías shooed Aiden into the cafeteria, a smile playing at his lips.

Aiden complied, his thoughts all over place.

He had some really nice lips.

Stepping into the cafeteria, Aiden made a beeline for their usual table.

Walking closer, he rolled his eyes as Nora and Ash's voice filled his ears, arguing about only the lord knows what.

What a bunch of kindergartners.

Upon noticing his arrival, their banter stopped (for now) and both heads turned to him, eyes narrowed

Giving them a weird look, he plopped down in the plastic chair, grabbing an apple slice from Asher's tray.


"And where were you?" Nora asked, slowly chewing on a piece of gum as she eyed him up and down

Aiden shrugged, stealing another apple slice "Places"

"Well I heard" Asher started and Aiden turned to him with a raised brow, knowing some bull crap was about to come out of his mouth "that you and Mr New Guy were all bestie bestie in the hallway"

"Who? Matías? I guess..." he shrugged again, directing his gaze elsewhere.

Nora gasped "Is that his name. That's so fricking hot"

Asher scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest "Mine's cooler"

Aiden blinked, stealing once last apple slice.

He wasn't about to tell them that he actually ran into Matías once before and the dude made him feel all shy and blush-y and shit because that was just fucking embarrassing.

The thought itself was absolutely revolting.

"Yeah, well...he's cool" Aiden said after a while, stopping whatever argument Nora and Ash were having about names.

Matías was actually more than cool but he'd rather such information be kept to himself. "What were you two talking about before i came?"

Nora and Asher eyed him once again before dropping the subject—probably knowing that he wasn't about to crack just yet— and fell into conversation about only the lord knows what.

Sipping on a juice box, his minded drifted elsewhere.

I wonder what Matías is up to.

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