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"You took us to a cafe?" He questioned as he stared at the name of the cafe.

The Coffee Shop.

How original.

"Yeah. You like?" Matías asked, locking his —sexy as hell— car and shoving the key in his pocket "I was actually craving a pumpkin spice latte" the male shrugged sheepishly, a small smile playing at his lips.

"Like? I love" Aiden sighed happily walking into the cafe first.

He walked straight to the register with a smile on his face and eyed the cashier's name tag.

Flourish. How pretty. "Hi. I'd like one large caramel frappuccino and..." He turned around and sheepishly smiled at Matías who stood behind him

Matías snorted in amusement "A large"

Aiden playfully rolled his eyes before turning back to the cashier "and a large pumpkin spice latte" he paused "please"

He dipped his hand into his pocket to retrieve his card, blinking as he felt himself being pushed to the side.

"Here" Matías handed his credit card to the cashier and Aiden's jaw dropped "that was rude. I was going to pay"

"But i felt like paying" Matías shrugged and Aiden silently mocked him.

"Whatever. But I'm still paying you back"

"Whatever you want, love"


Aiden watched as Matías sipped on his latte "Is it that good?"

Matías looked up, a smirk playing at his lips "Why? Wanna try?"

Aiden blinked before slowly nodding his head.

Matías chuckled lightly and carefully pushed his drink towards him. Aiden hesitantly grabbed the straw and took a sip.

Woah. Did we just have an indirect kiss?


He almost choked on the latte as the thought popped into his head.

What the fuck? An indirect kiss? Seriously Aiden? What was this, kindergarten?

Fucking seventeen years old and still believing in indirect kisses?

He seriously needed some help.

Quickly swallowing to erase all previous thoughts, his eyes widened in surprise.

Holy shit. This was fucking amazing.

Shamelessly, he took another sip and almost groaned at the taste.

"Enjoying yourself there?" A voice filled his ears and he suddenly remembered that he wasn't alone and it wasn't his drink he was drinking from.

"Oop. Sorry" he chuckled sheepishly,  pushing the latte back to it's owner "that tastes really fucking good, by the way. You seriously have good taste"

"Why thank you. I try" Matìas smirked and playfully winked and Aiden swore his soul just left his body.

After a moment of silence, with them just goofily smiling like idiots while sipping on their drinks ( was mostly Aiden) Matías broke the comfortable silence "What's your favourite colour?" He randomly asked, making Aiden raise a brow at him as he munched on a blueberry muffin that they bought not too long ago.

"that's quite a random yet cliche thing to ask, don't you think?" he joked

"well if cliche then so be it" Matìas shrugged with that small yet beautiful smile of his.

"I don't have one" Aiden chuckled, his stomach swarming with butterflies which irritated him. Butterflies? This wasn't like a date or anything. It was just two bros hanging out. Right?....right?

"what about you?"

"Well" Matías pondered over the question "I think...a deep red? Blood red?"

Aiden snorted "blood red? You sound like a vampire"

Matías smiled in amusement before his eyes darkened and a smirk tugged at his lips. Tilting his head, he stared Aiden in the eye. Voice husky, he asked "vampire? Well do you feel about me sucking your blood?"

Aiden almost choked on his muffin, but managed to refrain from embarrassing himself.

Suck? His blood?

Woah baby.

Aiden cleared his throat and turned to the window to hide his red cheeks from view "shut up and finish your muffin" he mumbled

"That doesn't answer my question though"

"That was the whole point dumbass. Anyway,  what's your favourite series?" Aiden asked, running a hand through his hair.

Jeez. He seriously needed a comb. Or two.

"well" Matìas smiled shyly, making Aiden raise a brow. Shy? what the fuck? "I don't usually tell alot of people this but, it's troll hunters"

Aiden's eyes lit up "no fucking way! I love that animation"

"You do? well, that adds to the list of things we have in common"

A whole list. Does that mean that Matìas was keeping count? the thought sent a fuzzy feeling to erupt in Aiden's tummy. it didn't. Ignore that.

Aiden's phone vibrated in his pocket and he fished it out, blinking at the spam he recieved from Ash.

Idiot Ash: Aiden, where are you? We're waiting in the parking lot (sent 3 hours ago)

Idiot Ash: I'm so kicking your ass when you get home if you don't answer your bloody phone (sent 3 hours ago)

Idiot Ash: It's been an hoooour. Answer your phone you idiot (sent 2 hours ago)

Idiot Ash: I'm stealing from your cocopops (sent an hour ago)

Aiden gasped at that. The little shit.

"Is everything okay?" Matías asked as he watched Aiden, eyes filled with amusement

"Yeah everything's fine. It's just my brother" He responded with a sheepish smile before reading the rest of the messages

Idiot Ash: I stole from it<3 (sent 50 minutes ago)

Idiot Ash: No seriously, were you kidnapped or something? Wtf is going on? (Sent 2 minutes ago)

Me: Ye i was kidnapped. And now they killed me. I'm dead. Rip 2 me (sent just now)

Aiden quickly replied before setting his phone on the table, an easy smile painting his lips. But inside? He was fucking raging.

Tonight. Tonight he'd get his revenge.

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