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Lunch ended sooner than he expected and he frowned as he walked out the cafeteria, bidding Nora and Ash a farewell before walking to his Government class.

Aiden had to admit, he found himself drifting in and out of his thoughts quite often today.

And the one accompanying his thoughts just had to be Matías. Of course it was.

The male looks like he was personally crafted by the gods themselves.

Even his name sent butterflies to flutter around in his stomach. Or maybe it was just some stomach ache.

Running a hand through his hair, he wondered why Matías wanted to meet after school.

Meet him. Alone. After school.

Nervousness rose from the pit of his stomach as his heart started beating faster than what he liked as realization sunk in and he rushed to the restroom to calm himself down.

Forget Government, he needed therapy.

He would be alone. With Matías. A dude that made his body activate stuff like butterflies in his stomach and a blush to his fucking cheeks.

No seriously. It was weird because he hadn't even really got to know Matías and the dude was already all Aiden could think about.

It's like everything about Matías made Aiden's body act against his wishes. Was that good or bad?

After trying, and failing, to calm down, Aiden decided that it was time to leave the restroom.

He never knew that he was able to get so flustered over a guy that he hardly knew.

It was fucking wack.

Speaking of, why was he even going to meet him. HE WAS BASICALLY A FUCKING STRANGER.

Dammit Aiden, you're going insane

He took a deep breath before stepping out into the empty hallways.

Classes had started ten minutes ago but thankfully, Aiden wouldn't miss anything, so he was free to ditch- well not ditch but yknow.

Turning the opposite way, he made a beeline for the library.

Matías had said to meet him at the back of the school, right? It was a rather off request but Aiden would rather not question it.

The sound of his soft footsteps filled his ears as he adjusted the strap of his bag.

He glanced at his watch and frowned. Dammit, he hoped Matìas hadn't waited long.

He was busy reading pride and prejudice when he suddenly remembered that he had other plans (he also accidentally skipped the last three periods in the process)

Not wanting Matìas to wait a second longer, Aiden sped up, almost speed-walked, down the hallway.

Aiden let out a relieved breath as he finally made it to the exit. Dammit. why was these hallways so damn long.

Taking quick steps down the stairs, Aiden made his way to the back of the school as requested.

A figure leaning against the brick buidling caught his eye and he immediately knew it was Matìas.

Excitement and nervousness filled his body as he walked closer to the Latino male.

"Hi" the male smiled, trying to get flustered.

Matìas chuckled softly, his shoulders shaking along. "I was starting to think that you would never show"

"Right. About that. Lost track of time. My bad" was the blonde male's response. He offered a sheepish smile.

A small smile tugged at Matìas's lips. "Come on then. We should get going"


They walked out from behind the building and to the parking lot. They were a hand's length apart and their arms would occasionally touch but not once had either one of the two complained.

It was making him fucking insane.

Where the actual fuck were they going anyway?

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