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Lunch had come and gone with ease.
Sure there was a bit of trouble in the beginning with—Dylan and all—but it all worked out in the end.

Aiden's mom and Lilah got on great, Dad was occupied with the barbeque and Ash had even gotten Oliver to talk.

In the middle of it all, Nora had even popped up unexpectedly and had introduced herself to Lilah and Oliver as 'Aiden's best-est friend in the entire universe' and then proceeded to rant about some puppy she had seen wondering around in the park.

Was best-est even a word?

Regardless of whether half of the words in her vocabulary even existed—or not for that matter—he still loved her so much.

A lot of conversation, kisses and a full stomach later, Aiden and Matías finally plopped onto Aiden's bed the minute they stepped into the bedroom.

They had to leave the door slightly ajar because, well, this was aidan and matìas.

"My social battery has reached it's peak" Aiden groaned, shoving his head into the pillow.

Matías watched him do such, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"You're just an introverted ball of craziness" he teased

aiden scoffed "introverted? I guess so. but crazy? you couldn't have been more wrong"

"Aww aiden, don't be sad, I still lo-" matìas cut himself off after realising he had spoken too much.

jeez, he almost exposed himself right there.

Aiden didn't pay much attention to the slip up, instead focusing on the beauty that Matìas held.

How could one be so handsome? it was absolutely ridiculous.

And also, he still hadn't figured out what matìas used for his hair.

It just had to be un-normal for hair to be that soft.

Was un-normal a word?

He heard nora say it once.

"you're the first guy I've spoken to that has the most perfect eyebrows I have ever seen" he randomly blurted out.

Matìas ran a hand through his dark hair, a chuckle leaving his lips "well thank you" he winked "all natural"

"of course" Aiden smirked "a natural beauty"

"you cheeky little shit"

Aiden flipped what matìas assumed was long hair "I try"

Matìas sighed, a smile on his face.

he really loved this cheeky little shit, didn't he.


"What do you think?"

Aiden turned at the voice, eyes still wide.

He turned back to the view once more before paying attention to matìas

"it- it's gorgeous" he stuttered slightly, his tone filled with awe.

Matìas had taken aiden to an old abandoned building that laid on the edge of town.

Aiden, of course, thought that he was going to be murdered (his first thought will forever remain that he was going to die if he ended up at a random, suspicious looking place, okay?)

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