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Aiden usually doesn't pay attention in class unless Mr Bald Spot threatened to throw him a detention slip but today, Aiden, no matter how hard he tried, just couldn't focus.


Because there was a sexy Spanish speaking male sitting behind him.

Yep, Aiden and Matías shared Math's period together.

Coincidence or fate? He wasn't sure

Low-key hoping it was the latter though.

Now it wasn't the fact that he was sitting directly infront of the male that kept him from focusing, no.

Because that would just be fucking ridiculous.

Maybe it was the fact that he could literally feel those fucking blue ocean-like eyes staring at him from behind.

Aiden wasn't sure but either way, the male's stare alone turned Aiden into a blushing mess.

And he never fucking blushed

He fiddled with the sleeve of the sweater, it covering his hands from view. This sweater was so big.

Why the fuck was it so big.

That's what she said.

Dammit Aiden.

Aiden shook his head, eyes roaming the classroom.

He had noticed the looks all the girls and some guys- probably bi, gay or pan or something- were sending Matías' way and if we're being honest, he didn't blame them, Matías was like a fucking walking god on earth.

Aiden wondered if Matías noticed all the looks he was recieving.

He groaned. Why the fuck was he constantly thinking about the blue eyed greek god behind him?

Calling him a greek god doesn't make anything better Aiden.

He was almost sure that it wasn't normal to think about someone you had just met in something other than a friendly way.

Aiden plopped his head in his arms. Maybe if he took a little nap then he'd stop thinking about him. Maybe it was fatigue.

Yep, that must be it.

Soon Aiden found his eyes fluttering shut, the sound of Mr Bald Spot's monotone voice getting softer and softer.

"Aiden" a husky voice whispered making Aiden's brow furrow together.

A shiver ran down his spine. That voice sounded so familiar.

"Aiden, love, you need to wake up" the voice spoke again before Aiden felt hands threading through his hair which in all honesty only made him want fall back to sleep even more.

"Aiden" the voice whispered in his ear, the sound so...alluring. No-one had ever said his fucking name like that and soon the male found himself groggily opened his eyes.

Aiden almost fainted as he came face to face, or more like eye-to-eye with those blue ocean like eyes.

How can someone be so fucking handsome?

His eyes ran over Matías' beautiful face because that's what he was- beautiful.

Aiden was low-key jealous. How could someone's skin be this clear?

His eyes traced his face. Paying attention to the little details like how his blue eyes held small, barely noticable specks of green in them.

And how his lips were full and pink and wet and-

The blonde turn away from Matías, a blush running up his neck at his thoughts.

"Where are the others?" he asked as away to distract himself from his thoughts and their close proximity, blushing as he felt Matías staring at the side of his face.

"Class ended fifteen minutes ago" his deep, husky voice replied making butterflies erupt in Aiden's stomach.

"Well why haven't you gone with them.  You spent a whole fifteen minutes of your lunch period waiting for me to wake up? Gawdamn you're a nice butthole " Aiden blinked up at him

Matías let out a small, breathy chuckle "Did you just call me a butthole?"

Aiden grinned guiltily "wha- pfft no. Me? No"

But no, he didn't stop there either

"And I mean, even if I did—which I by the way did not, I can't just straight out call you a curse word because I mean we just met and it would be wrong because I mean we hardly know each other and I only curse close friends because I show my love by being mean, does that make sense? Oh my god I'm sorry, I'm rambling"

Can the fucking universe just open up a whole in the ground and swallow him whole already

Matías smirked as he whispered almost seductively "well then I do hope we become 'close friends', as you call it"

Aiden cleared his throat as his cheeks flamed up. He looked the other way, not wanting to be seen with a hideous blush on his cheeks "We need to go. I'm starving and the food in the cafeteria might almost be finished"

Matías let out a small smile almost making Aiden melt on the fucking spot.

Dammit he smiled that smile!

Aiden was mentally fanboying as he felt a similiar smile tugging at his own lips.

"Well, shoo then. Go fill your little stomach"

Aiden glared at the teasing " Little? You trynna get got?"

Matías chuckled and Aiden felt like a puddle of goo "Of course not love"

And Aiden just realised then how nice his body felt when Matias called him love

Snap the fuck out of it Aiden

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