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"hello there my sleep-deprived looking best friend and his handsome brother" A grinning Nora chuckled as she caught sight of Aiden being dragged down the hallway by Asher five minutes before third period.

Asher cleared his throat as he looked the opposite direction to hide his reddening cheeks.

But Asher wasn't as discreet as he thought he was.

Suspicious behaviour detected

Aiden mentally noted down as he narrowed his tired eyes at his brother.

And Nora.

She's more smily-er and giddier than normal.

Was he missing something here?

"Have you heard? There are rumours going around 'bout a new student starting today" the blue haired girl ruffled her hair as she wiggled her way inbetween Aiden and Asher, taking hold of both their hands.

"Oh really? That's great" he mumbled, not really listening.

Aiden fished his phone from out of his pocket and his eyes widened at the time.


"Guys we're ten minutes late for class" He hurriedly spoke out, breaking Asher and Nora out of some weird ass staring contest.

"Sherbet" Nora detangled her hands from the boys' and adjusted her her bag strap.

"Welp boys I guess this is where we part. Gotta go bye~" and with that the blue haired, little ball of sunshine was gone.

"That's my cue" Asher ruffled his brother hair quickly "See you at lunch shortie"

And soon the blondie was the only one left in the quiet hallways.

Aiden, Asher and Nora shared differently classes. Well with Asher it was obvious they would since he was a year above them.

But with Nora, not so much. The only classes the blue haired girl and Aiden shared were Arts and Physics.

It was fucking depressing

He speed-walked down the hallway amd to his class which was situated on the far end of the school.

If that wasn't bad enough, the class he was heading to was Math.

A horrible subject with an equally horrible teacher.

Aiden knew he would be recieving a detention from the mean old Math's processer with the bold spot on his head.

Aiden's mother could have been giving birth and that would cause him to be late and Mr Bald Spot would still have given him that detention slip.

Aiden was convinced that Mr Bald Spot had something against him with all those times he would embarass the blonde male in class.

The professor could have been jealous  because Aiden had rich silky golden hair and he didn't for all he knew.

Okay, enough talk about the kranky old professor who's wife probably left him.

Aiden was so focused on getting to class that he hadn't noticed where he was going and soon he felt himself walking into a wall.

Wait, does walls have muscle? Because holy shit this wall did. And it was an impressive amount of muscle too.

Aiden's hands roamed the 'wall' and soon found himself screeching in embarrassment upon realising that the wall he was touching was not a wall and was actually an actually fucking person.

Holy shit. I just indirectly violated someone.

"Enjoying yourself there?" A god-awful familiar voice filled his ears

Aiden's eyes shot open and he quickly took atleast ten steps back, his cheeks burning in embarrassment.

The first thing that caught his attention was the small smirk playing at the stranger's lips.

And the second?

Those familiar ocean blue eyes that seemed to hold him in a daze.

"I had a feeling I would run into you again" the guy spoke, eyes scanning the smaller male's figure from head to toe.

"Quite literally" Aiden muttered to himself, his cheeks on fire as he felt the male's eyes on him.

"Who would have thought that we would be attending the same highschool" his eyes held amusement.

Definitely not me Aiden thought, almost jumping as a soft, barely audible chuckle filled his ears.

"What's your name, love?"

Aiden almost choked on his spit at the name.

Love??!? What the fuck??!

"Its Aiden" he smiled sheepishly, fixing his top that kept slipping off. "yours?"

The male drifter somewhere for a few short moments before licking his lips, a smirk making it's way to his face.

Aiden noticed, clearing his throat.

"It's Matías. A pleasure to meet you Aiden"

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