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Breath Aiden. Breath

It was chilly outside, the opposite of how Aiden was feeling, which was hot and sweaty.

He was nervous.

Though who wouldn't be? he was meeting Matìas' mother for fucks sake.

If I fainted, would Matìas catch me?

It seemed that the three hour talk with his mirror hadn't done nearly enough to prepare him.

What if he fucked up?

What if he said the wrong shit?


What if Mrs Alexander saw him and just immediately decided that she didn't like him.

Jeez Aiden, stop overthinking.

A large hand was placed on his shoulder and he turned around, frowning.

"It'll be okay" Matìas comforted, caressing his neck.

"What if she doesn't like me" Aiden mumbled, embarassed.

Matìas chuckled "Trust me, she'll love you"

How can you be so sure

He wanted to say but pursed his lips, instead nodding his head.

Matìas opened the door and Aiden shimmered closer, preferring to be close to Matìas instead of wondering behind him.

"Welcome to my humble abode" Matìas did a little bow making Aiden crack a smile.

Aiden's eyes roamed the living room, smirking as he caught sight of framed images hanging on white painted walls.

He walked closer to them, aweing as he came across a framed photograph of little Matìas "you were so adorable"

"That's what I tell him everyday" A voice spoke out of no idea, making Aiden jump a bit.

He turned, making contact with beautiful hazel brown eyes.

Before he could try to figure out who those gorgeous hazel eyes belonged to, he was pulled into a tight hug.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Aiden" Aiden's eyes widened.

This was Mrs Alexander.

Aiden slowly returned the hug, a smile slowly growing on his face.

"It's nice to meet you too Ms Alexander"

Aiden made sure to not mistake mrs with Ms.

He remembered matías vaguely telling him that his father wasn't around.

The woman pulled away and Aiden realised that she was atleast a head shorter than him.

No, it didn't boost his ego a bit.

Okay it did.

Just a bit.

Ms Alexander waved her hand "No no, Lilah is just fine"

"Oh of course Ms A- Lilah" Aiden smiled sheepishly.

Cheeks were pulled after that.

"Oh, you're so adorable. Matìas was right"

"Oh?" Aiden turned his gaze to Matìas who leaned against the wall, watching the exchange.

Catching his eyes, Matìas shrugged.

He talks about me!?

"Come now" Lilah ushered "I've prepared lunch" she pulled Aiden along, who in turned smiled, following without oppose.


"Your mom is great" Aiden sighed into Matias' pillows.

"I know. See, I told you there was nothing to worry about"

"Yeah yeah" Aiden muttered, his eyes drifting to the while ceiling.

Matias' room was filled with posters, not exactly what Aiden had expected but he loved the new suprise. It was another thing he could fanboy about, along with the fact that he had picture of himself and Aiden perched on his desk.

Lilah was absolutely amazing, and Aiden couldn't believe he was nervous to begin with.

She held great conversation and Aiden found himself learning more about Matìas through Lilah.

They were even about to go through Matias' baby albums had it not been that the doofus stopped them before they could.

Aiden was even able to meet Oliver, Matias' brother who turned out to be a freshman attending their school, but Aiden still couldn't recall ever seeing him in the hallways.

He was the opposite of Matias', whereas Matìas was confident, Oliver was shy and timid.

Aiden found it cute.

He closed his eyes, relaxing into Matìas' soft sheets, peeking an annoyed eye open when a weight plopped onto him, uninvited.


Matias' smirked "What?"

Aiden groaned "Get off of me"

Matìas leaned closer "Aw, but I really like this position"

Aiden gulped.

"What? Cat got your tongue" he teased, his breath now fanning Aiden's cheek.

"What's got you in such a teasing mood" he muttered in response.


Before Aiden could respond, lips pressed against his and he sighed against them.

Matias' hand made its way up Aiden's back as their lips moved in synch.

The larger male's tongue swiped over his lips and Aiden glady gave access, their tongues moved in synch before Aiden let Matìas roam his mouth.

Before Aiden registered what was happening, he let out a moan as Matìas roughly grinded against him. If his thoughts weren't so clouded, he would have mentally cried after letting out such an embarrassing sound.

oh my bejezuz that felt good.

He'd also pretend he never thought that.

"Fuck" Aiden whispered, forgetting about Lilah and Oliver who was still in the house. The things Matias did to him-

Matias' smirked "Glad to know you're enjoying this"

"Oh shut up" Aiden chuckled, making use of the little self-control he had left and leaning back "your mother, the one I met hardly four hours ago, remember?, is down stairs along with Oliver"

Matìas looked up, a mischievous glint reflecting in his gorgeous orbs

"My room's soundproof" and placed his lips on Aiden's again.

Aiden let out an opposed noise, pulling away again. He stared at Matìas with a raised brow.

"The fuck is your room soundproof for"

Matìas shrugged "I play the guitar" and pressed his lips and Aiden's again and this time Aiden made no move on stopping.

this dude is literally so fucking perfect.

He thought, deepening the kiss.

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