Vines That glitch the system to far-

38 1 1


Gamer: going down the stairs Your all going to hell~! Good bye ^v^


Bipper: Haha that's funny, you think I sleep? Haha- SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK-


Corrupted Gamer: can I get a waffle?

Cyclock and Evil Morty: fighting each other in the kitchen

Corrupted Gamer: can I please get a waffle!


Robin: you know I get complimented all the time-

Corruptick Will: burst out laughing AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-

Robin: I DO!

Corruptick Will: keeps laughing


Me: acuse me sir, has there even been a robbery at this establishment?

The Cop: uhh not that I know off I don't know...

the Villains: Walking away with stole money behind him


Cyclock: I'm really bad at flirting...

red Leader Tord: try practicing in a mirror

Cyclock: looking in a mirror hey gorgeous~

Mirror Domino(?): I'm not interested, get out!

Cyclock: I'm so sorry...

mirror Domino(?): GET OUT-


Lucifer: hey, hey HEY!

Gamer: waking up ugh ... what?

Lucifer: are you asleep?

Gamer: ......really?


H̸̨̙͓̩̺̉͒̈͊̎3̶̛̭̥̲̞͈̦̊̓̂̎̍ņ̵̘̤͍̬́͒̈́R̶̨͊̊y̶̮̏̀̄̏͛̚: I'm mad at you! let's fight! 

Monoclock: pulls out an AK 

H̸̨̙͓̩̺̉͒̈͊̎3̶̛̭̥̲̞͈̦̊̓̂̎̍ņ̵̘̤͍̬́͒̈́R̶̨͊̊y̶̮̏̀̄̏͛̚: WHAT THE!? PUT THAT AWAY YOU PSYCHO! ....oh my god... leaves 


Zim: uhh have you ever try to eat a fucking pineapple, 40 times the size of your own body? 

Black Hat: well I've tried to eat a dick 4- oh...wait

Zim: WAIT!

Black Hat: oh.....

Zim: ...we should start this conversation all over.... 


Zim: hey Black Hat have you ever tried to eat a dick? 

Black Hat: YES-


Black Hat: FUCK-


Gamer: AHAHAHA... hey... did you know that the human head is functional after decapitation for at least 10 seconds? .....want to try an experiment? 

30 minutes later 

Gamer: I WAS COUGHT MURDERING SOME MAN NAMED STEVE! I talked to the police and I refuted that I had anything to do with the murder! the police said "WAIT! wait! then WHY ARE YOU STANDING ABOVE THE DEAD BODY!?" 

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