Dare 54

30 2 8

From ahorrorifixwriter: I dare everyone to somehow all be "infected" kinda and they all Mabel's optimistic persona (and it a perently starts with Corrupted Gamer-) 

Corrupted Gamer: hmmmmm so let me get this straight, you want me to spread you optimistic persona? 

Mabel: nods 

Corrupted Gamer: .....give me a sec- insert coding shit here It's been done-

Mabel: YES! Now everyone will be infected with my Happyness!

Corrupted Gamer: is optimisim but ok.... there is not much of of a change in me sooooo I'm gonna go spread it! runs off

Corrupted Gamer: Hmmm hey Clockwork wanna- 

Clockwork: twist there hand I saw it coming from an hour away, fuck off I'm evil 

Corrupted Gamer: in hales ok- :'> 

Zim: HEY! what the fuck are you doing here

Corrupted Gamer: pokes his head 

Zim: ......Why hello there! shakes Corrupted Gamer's hand 

Corrupted gamer: :0 YAY IT WORKS! 

Clockwork: Pffft- I'm so using this for blackmail

Corrupted Gamer: tries to poke Clockwork



Zim: well Clockwork maybe you should let them infect you, Just think of all the new friends you could ma-

Clockwork: also YEETS him ....god you optimisim is poison to me....

about- idk how many multiverse people are there.... but what ever it is, more infections later for the sake of things-

Mabel: I Love this-

Dipper: me too

Clockwork: god this place wants to make me die 

Vex: Couldn't agree more

Clockwork: aren't you infected like the rest

Vex: well no, with out a vessel I'm basically a ghost so I can't be poked....

Fitch: huh that explains me I guess

Vex: what about you? I'm pretty sure you aren't ammune to it

Clockwork: oh I'm not, I just survive like a bad ass unlike these pathetic Villains and heroes.... 

Black hat: Hey Clockwork! are you sure you don't want to join our friend group and have fu-

Clockwork: hits him with his staff OH MY GOD that felt so fantastic to do.... WOOOO- I'm sorry killed for that...

Fitch: how long does this thing last?

Clockforwork: till the next chapter, it's one of those reset things you know.... for now I-

Domino: Clocky! can you-

Clockwork: hits them with a metal bat .....for now I'll just beat the shit out of these pathetic...things... till they turn back to normal.... I blame C.G. for this terrible shit-

Vex: same, this is like my worst nightmare if I had any ....

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