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*sighs* ........alright, let's talk.... 

2020, Some where in the summer I posted the Ask or dare book.... And well it wasn't popular at first and expected, but over time it did became one.... I mean as I'm writing this it has 6.6k reads! And then there is the second which wasn't as big but still pretty good.... But that's not why I'm making this chapter.... I'm making this chapter.... 

Because I'm ending this.... 

I don't just mean the book, I mean the series it self.... And I'll tell you why 

1. (And the main reason) I've grown tired of it 

When I was first on Wattpad I saw many ask or dare stories and I saw it as a fun thing to do, so I wanted to make my own. Couldn't decide what fandom so I did all the ones I knew ... and it was fun.... For a while.... It's been like what? A year now and I'm not as invested in this book as I was before.... At least on its main purpose, cause I seemed to have more fun on doing chapters like skits, vines, me talking about random shit, and other stuff like that than the actual ask or dares 

Now some were fun to do Dont get me wrong but it wasn't enough to save this series...it's not you guys, it's me.... I've grown out of this book and don't see it as a fun thing to do anymore, for it's original purpose that is (I'll get to what I mean in a bit 

2. Book 1 is very outdated 

The first book of this series, if you read that one and then this one, you can see some things have probably changed, I kept changing things in my AU that the ones I had originally don't really apply anymore, that could go for other books as well but book 1 is definitely the one with a lot of old stuff 

3. Feeling used 

Now now, it's not anyones fault ok! Don't be blaming each other or your selfs for this in the comments, and I'm not mentioning names... but.... There were a couple of people who... well I felt like I was just being used to make there content instead of what I wanted, it seems selfish a bit but this was MY book and instead of ask or daring the characters I had for them tehy requested for characters of there own to be added and me(being so nice back then) I agreed.... But they only came for there characters... and I just felt used, used all over again... 

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