The Half-Demon And The Communist (Father's Day Special)

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 Yup! Happy father's day! and yes I know that probably not al of us probably have a great father's day, I would know since this is the first Father's day with out my dad.... But even so This isn't going to stop me from making this special, mostly because it's something that I've actually worked on for fucking 3 months..... no joke, while I've been writting other books and all of that, be hind the scenes I've been writting this till now, and It is a story I've been planning to tell for quiet a while now, So I do hope you enjoy this ....uhhh.. story I guess...

I guess also a bit of a trigger warning, this is mostly towards the end of the story but there will be mentions of triggering topics such as: Abuse (both physically and mentally, mentions of $u!c!d3, and I guess murder will count as well..... 

well I guess I can just mention these ones as well since this will contain, besides gore(The murder part should have been obvious) alcohol, drugs(a bit) and smoking(don't do this, Gamer and Tord are bad influences ok!)and guns I guess..... and a bit of Gender dysphoria.... if you don't know what that is well (based of the definition of google)

Gender dysphoria: A concept designated in the DSM-5 as clinically significant distress or impairment related to a strong desire to be of another gender, which may include desire to change primary and/or secondary sex characteristics. Not all transgender or gender diverse people experience dysphoria. put it short it makes you question your gender when you start to feel that your body doesn't match the gender you identify as...... well at least for me it did...

anyways now that we got all of that out of the way let's get on with the story!


The sound of the explosion cut out Lucifer's sentence as I tried to protect myself from the damage the bomb caused, I was soon pulled down by vines and strapped to the ground like a prisoner. I looked up to see Ivy in front of me, sadly not dead but, well and alive "....Give up now Gamer, you can't kill me no matter how hard you try" the said as they stepped on me "go back to hell you pathetic demon...." I was stabbed through the chest with roots, I felt as if my after live was ending even though it wasn't, I slowly closed my eyes and blackout from the smoke of the explosion.

The room felt bright... I felt like I couldn't move.... Everything felt numb..... I opened my eyes to a ceiling light, I adjusted my view of the room, I don't know where I was but it definitely wasn't the forest that I was just in earlier. I tried to stand up, but even though I felt numb, I felt immense pain that hurts more than hell which made me want to scream but I didn't. I managed to stand up from the couch I was laying on and looked around for a bit, can't tell if this is Ivy's house or some strangers house but no matter who's house this is I was going to get out of here. "AGH FUCK!" I yelled as I tried to stand up, I sat back down and noticed that my legs looked like they were crushed or something "probably Ivy" I said to myself. I looked around to see what I could use to stand up, I grabbed a nearby lamp and started to suck the electricity out of it, it wasn't a lot but it was enough for me to at least stand on one foot, I used the lamp as a walking stick and walked into the hallway to look around.

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