new chat !
rats gambit
+ staryoung , huitime , wcrabw , skyhoonstaryoung:
I recently made the connection that all of us are 96 line and i think we deserve a separate chat :)huitime:
You only recently got thatskyhoon:
Yeah young, we've known for like, everwcrabw:
Everyone say rip soonyounghuitime:
Rip soonyoungskyhoon:
Rip soonyoungstaryoung:
Rip soonyoungwcrabw:
Wait, rat's gambit?staryoung:
I dont even care at this point.huitime:
Yeah i don't either, not anymore
Imma just let him do what he doskyhoon:
That's the way, glad you're learning quicklystaryoung:
Yo why are teaming up against me what's thiswcrabw:
owo what's this
just possessed me-
Thats so unlike me?staryoung:
Have you been hanging out with dk?
That seems a lil dk of youwcrabw:
Im so confused
Anyway lets move onskyhoon:
So back to teaming up on soonyoungstaryoung:
Then stop saying thatstaryoung:
Do you even know what hr stands forstaryoung:
Rrrr-office peoplehuitime:
That wasn't even a good trystaryoung:
Yeah well Heck youhuitime:
Ohhh im sooooo offendedskyhoon:
you know, you're not half bad
I realize we're having this interaction late but we should become really good friendshuitime:
For sure homiewcrabw:
Im included in this rightskyhoon:
Why notstaryoung:
Im not gonna ask because i know the answerwcrabw:
Aw you know we love you soonyoung
You're just,,,
Your brain,,,
You know what i meanstaryoung:
I dont
But i think that is what youre referring to so
Its okay
All my negative brain cells love you guys so deal with ithuitime:
You should be >:(skyhoon:
Im angry that i could hear that textstaryoung:
You know me too well bc i almost said it out loud while writing itskyhoon:
Can't believe your bond is closer than mine with soonyoung
You guys are the two bros chilling in a hot tub nowhuitime:
Just a lil sadstaryoung:
Aww buddywcrabw:
No no i get it
I can share
But jihoon, don't cross mehuitime:
Shout out to jesus
Wow lots of vines today, is jeonghan haunting this chatskyhoon:
Yeah probably
Sometimes i wonder if he's okay in the headstaryoung:
Sometimes i wonder if im okay in the headhuitime:
You aren'tstaryoung:
Thanks for clearing that up manhuitime:
Sometimes i wonder if we're all okay in the head
All these chat rooms were a mistake
Life is a mistakewcrabw:
Yo pretty sick band nameskyhoon:
Life is a Mistake
Band name, called itskyhoon:
You have full reign on that one man, i dont want itstaryoung:
Oh noskyhoon:
Oh no
How'd you say it before I did?huitime:
I caught on quickly, like you saidstaryoung:
Let me talk >:(skyhoon:
Stop writing texts I can hear, I don't like itstaryoung:
No >:)
Oh but ji how's the song coming along?wcrabw:
Ooh so it did happen >:)huitime:
I'm catching on again >:)skyhoon:
What's with all the >:)
I hate this, I feel weirdhuitime:
I thought we were friends !!
Not betrayal
A beautiful push in a good directionskyhoon:
And soonyoung the song is exactly what you remember recordingstaryoung:
Bold of you to assume I remember what we recordedskyhoon:
I was about to berate you but I dont even blame you
It was a blur of him doing tiger impressions in the booth and me hoping he wouldnt break my sht
A nightmarewcrabw:
Sounds like itstaryoung:
But i didnt break anything! So shush!huitime:
Okay I heard that text this time
Woah lots of t's there
My god am i out of itwcrabw:
Sounds like it
Second time I've said that
Woah we all need sleepskyhoon:
Tell me about it
But ive been living my whole life like this for so long
I can survivestaryoung:
N o w uwuskyhoon:
Okay i will but only because that means I don't have to hear your texts anymore▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣
chatting !
rats gambitskyhoon:
I fcking heard the texts in my dreams//17.24//
yo this headache going nuts broooooo
me rn: 🥴💫
I mean, you ever shake your head a lil with a headache and your brain out here like a windows screensaver bounce thing sped up by like 500 and its sayin "i am speed" and your head is just wOwoWoWOwOwoWoWOw
Because yeah
Ooh even better example anyone ever play pool or whatever the fck you call it otherwise with the green felt table and the sticks and the balls (thats not inappropriate stfu)
Cause like at the start you hit the white ball or whatever into all the other ones and if you do it right they go rocketing all across the table? that's what my head feels like rn
anyway heres a chapter from my brain
cause thats where the ideas come from
All my negative brain cells love you guys btw, thanks for reading uwu
-zi, who has a headache, can you tell?

➴ 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ღ 𝑺𝑽𝑻 𝑬𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒍𝒆
Fanfic[Writing Style: Groupchat AU ft. Written Chapters] ⤷ Ongoing ❞ skyhoon: its official, i hate you all shua_dubiduba: understandable staryoung: no? it's not?? ❞ They have some weird ways of loving each other, the relationships are romantic but a str...