[RQ/S77] futuristic vibes

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chatting !

No so what you mean to tell me is we all met up
Just to sit at different sides of the room and text ??

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As the boys had all talked about recently, they decided to do a big group meetup again. Although it was very...

Technology based, so to speak.

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Yes that is absolutely what I mean to tell you

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Definitely wouldn't get annoying in any way, shape or form.

"Alright," Seungkwan stood up and stated, "I appreciate your love for phones and whatnot, but can we talk in real life before I go stir-crazy here?"

"We came here for a big group fun time... or something..." Chan sputtered, his brain not used to speaking when he's been texting the whole time.

"See, that's what too much technology does to a young, smart... to a young child."

"Hey! I'm very aware my brain is working well right now but I caught that! Rude."

Joshua stepped in. "Okay children, less phones, more..."

Seems like a slow brain day for all of them.

Joshua restarted, "Nevermind, back to my phone, I can't think like this."

Seungkwan only rolled his eyes. This is when he looked around the room at everyone still on their phones. He noticed some of their little habits, Seungcheol was picking at his nails, Jeonghan honestly looked like he was scheming again, Jihoon was sitting near Soonyoung who had very clearly placed himself there much to Jihoon's dismay, and... huh.

"Woah wait up, when did this happen?"

Everyone looked towards where Seungkwan was looking, and saw the state Minghao and Jun were in. Yeah, everyone knew they were together, but they never expected them to be sitting almost on top of each other and act so close.

"I'm not shaming you or anything, just, when did you both become more touchy?"

Minghao immediately explains that Jun's always been touchy, and 'I just let it happen, not like it hurts anyone,' while Jun had a smile that looks like a mix of pride and embarrassment.

"That reminds me," Jeonghan grinned, the plan Seungkwan figured he was forming probably completed and being put into action, "What's our group looking like for dating? I know we discussed it but I want dynamics and updates.

"Of course you do..." Jihoon said without batting an eye, as though it were so normal.

Well, it's Jeonghan. It's better to not be surprised at his shenanigans if you want to keep your brain cells.

"Well, me and Cheol are doing wonderful," he said, very exaggerated. Before he could continue, everyone groaned while Chan begged for him to spare the details.

"Fine, haters. Soonhoon, how about y'all?"

Jihoon let Soonyoung do the talking, saying they were great, just living life as it went, and the group got through everyone soon enough. Everyone was well, even when they asked the singles left, everyone was having an easy time recently.

Joshua was the first to change the topic. "I love that we're all doing well, but can we put some debating back in the mix? This isn't spicy enough for me, and knowing the party planning is about to make my life harder, I wanna have fun with you guys before suffering."

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