[S49] what happens in Ve- cafes...

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Jeonghan waved the two over, "Hey guys!"

"Oh, hey! Sorry, we just got here," Wonwoo apologized.

"No worries," Seungcheol confirmed, "Just glad we're doing this, let's catch up!"

Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Wonwoo and Mingyu were on a double date, but it was more to catch up than anything. They had talked about doing this before but never got to it and just wanted to get it done. They all wanted the break from school and the play so they took advantage of some free time and made it happen.

"Catch up? All you need to know is school is kicking my butt..." Jeonghan sighed.

"Oh yeah about school... isn't a testing period coming up after the play? Screw that, truly."

"I've never agreed with you more, Cheol," Wonwoo shook his head symbolically towards the school.

"We have too much going on for this, and I'm not even as busy as some of you guys!" Mingyu almost cries out.

"God yeah... Jihoon has overworked himself quite a bit too, he's got so much going on nowadays and he's keeping it all in," Jeonghan laments while remixing his drink, "We all see it though."

"Oh, I meant to ask," Seungcheol jumped into the conversation, "probably none of my business but you know him well, does he like... um, a certain tiger we know-"

Jeonghan spits then quickly covers his mouth, "Yeah, kinda not my business... but I hope my reaction gave you your answer."

"Yeah pretty much," Seungcheol replied with a head shake.

"Cool, now you have your info and I didn't spill something I wasn't supposed to."

Wonwoo clarified, "And really, it was clear, we just wanted true confirmation."

Mingyu nodded and tagged on, "I mean, how have they not gotten together already?"

All the others at the table exaggerated a 'Right?!' in unison.

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"It's because I'm a goddamn coward!!"

"You said it," Joshua assured through a mouth full of chips, "Not me."

Jihoon sighs, "Could you stop chewing directly into the mic? I can feel the crumbs landing on me through the phone." Jihoon heard a small 'sorry,' although considering he could tell Joshua's mouth was still full, he barely acknowledged the apology.

"I don't know what to do," he continued, "That music thing has me really riled up..." He whispered.

"Music thing?" Joshua questioned.

"Okay, here's the story. Remember that song I told you I was working on for the play?"

Joshua replied yes, so Jihoon continued. "Well, I was in the school working on it and wanted to go to the auditorium to check the sound properties, whatever, and that's when I was walking past one of the practice rooms. I heard one of my songs being played and when I looked inside it was Soonyoung dancing to it."

"Ooooooh," Joshua droned on.

"Please shut up," Jihoon complained, "But, i guess it makes sense because I gave him the demo, I just-"

"Ooooooooooh," Joshua interrupted with more enthusiasm than the last time.

"Again, shut up. As I was saying, I just didn't think he'd use them to choreograph to..."

"It's kind of a complement, no?" Joshua started while going back to his chips.

"How so?"

"I mean, he likes your work enough to choreograph to, and I feel like choreographing is a pretty special thing, right? Why work with something you hate? He clearly loves you... er, your work."

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