[S44] always mine

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The practice and preparation for the play was underway as usual at Seokmin's house. He asked Joshua to come over again to practice lines with him and Joshua graciously said yes. Not that Seokmin was looking forward to working on this play again, but he had the integrity to finish what he started (although HE wasn't the one who started it.)

Joshua had been excited to help, but felt the same way as Seokmin about the show. It was something they bonded over many times for the last couple times they'd talked.

Joshua quickly noticed how good Seokmin was at acting, even through the inconsistency of the dialogue and blocking. And as good as Seokmin was at acting, this script made it difficult to be good at anything.

Seokmin caught that as well, but he knew it was the piece and not him making the practices strange. The only phrase running through his head was "The struggle is real,' each time, which weirdly is one of his lines anyway, if that goes to show anything.

"Sometimes it just feels like... sometimes it just feels like we're... oh forget it, line?"

"Six worlds apart. you had the rest right," Joshua confirmed.

Seokmin grimaced a bit, "Six, okay. Strange number, it's hard to recall that quickly."

"I can only imagine," Joshua shakes his head while viewing the page they're stuck on, "I couldn't have told you it was six if I wasn't reading the script."

"It's extremely hard to memorize lines when they were not only made in little fragments by writing students but then collaged together like a bad fan art edit."

"...Yeah I'd say that description fits pretty well."

Seokmin shook his head and changed the topic. "Can we pick it up from the 'miss you if you go any further' part? I think it's a page back from there."

"Sure thing. When you're ready."

Seokmin said okay and took a moment to center himself. He was working through the long paragraph pretty well, in his head at least. Once he tried to get it all out, none of it came out right. The way it was written had very strange grammar tenses and some sort of faint dialect in the wording, it was unnatural to say the least. Not to mention there was not enough context to jog his memory into recalling the correct words,

"Okay, what on Earth?"

"You want the line?"

"Honestly just give me the script, I gotta figure out what the heck is going on."

Joshua chuckles while folding the previous page back and hands the packet over. They both wouldn't be the first or last to admit that this script was rough to understand, and Joshua pretty admired Seokmin's ability to remember even a single word of this garbage.

Seokmin was mumbling each line to himself, and his face was contorting in confusion with every scan he made left to right.

"I regret looking for context. I'm more confused and a little disgusted now."

"Disgusted? Why?"

"I just... do not like the vibes."

"That's an answer I can work with."

Seokmin just let out a light sigh and Joshua took that as a sign that they both needed a break. He did his best to persuade Seokmin into hearing him out.

"It's really not a bad idea. Your brain is fried, mine is too. I could go for some food and you probably could too. Just do it, come onnnnn," he whined.

"Fine, take a break, got it."

"Run away with us for the summer, let's go upstate."

Seokmin paused and looked at Joshua with a mix of pride and incredulousness on his face, "Really?"

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