[S72] deal with the devil

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"Right, so let me get this straight, everyone is back on the BS, and Jeonghan wasn't the start of it?"

"Yeah, I... I don't know. Inconceivable, really."

Minghao and Jun were back in the practice room waiting for Soonyoung and Chan. They were lucky this wasn't a repeat of last time, because they had confirmation that both boys were on the way. And while they knew this was a normal practice, nothing else about the dance team right now could be called normal.

Jun figured out what the whole weird situation at the restaurant was while he was with a friend. The friend didn't notice anything but Jun knew Soonyoung and Chan too well to think it was a coincidence after a while. Then a certain gossipy duo gave him some info and he made conclusions.

He just shared it all with Minghao, and as expected, his reaction was...

"What the hell do they think they'll get out of us?"

Jun scoffed joyfully, "What, do you think they think they're smarter than us? May I remind you that you've led our hidden agent mission so far because I'm bad at this stuff?"

Minghao was certain and strict in his stance, saying "Listen, I got us, okay? They won't know anything official till we make the call."

"That's sweet and all, but I just wanna make it through this dance practice alive."

Minghao just looked at Jun, who did seem a little drained already, and jUn seeing this reassured him that he just didn't get a great rest the previous night. The two had a strange synergy with each other, which was probably a good factor as to how their current arrangement was working so well. They did technically just start dating out of a rivalry of sorts, there were things that could get rocky.

Like your friend's aggressive curiosity, for example.

Minghao asked, "So? How are we dealing with them for the time being?"

Jun, despite saying he wasn't good with this stuff, noted that he had a plan. This man had all the information for once, and by God would he make use of it.

▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣

Soon, Soonyoung and Chan arrived and stretching, dancing, correcting, and planning started. Once they took a break, a few conversations would normally take place. Little details about dances they've seen were discussed, then group chat hijinks, and other stuff going on in their world.

And two of them knew today's subject, two did not.

"So, Minghao, I saw Soonyoung and Chan out recently, right guys?"

"Oh, oh," Chan nervously blurted. "Right, at the uh... park and such."

"Mm, and then you were at the restaurant too, good food huh?"

Soonyoung was a little more confident about this, but food was the subtopic, so of course he was, who wouldn't be? "Yes, so good, really good."

"Minghao, what have you been up to? I haven't seen you too much lately, none of us have I don't know."

Minghao was catching onto what his role was in this. "Oh, just around, doing stuff on my own. And yeah I guess you're right, we haven't been together much recently."

Soonyoung and Chan were starting to feel the heat, and it wasn't from the dancing this time, they were both right next to the fan.

"Mm, uh yeah," Soonyoung tries to recover for them both, "who were you with, Jun? You were with someone this weekend, and I didn't think it was... any of us so..."

Chan had to turn away, it was too much to bear. Minghao felt about the same, but more towards Soonyoung's audacity in thinking he was the smartest in the room over this.

"Oh, just a friend. Hanging out and all. Who did you think I was with? You seem like you had an idea in mind, both of you."

"Oh, hey guys I have to take a call, be right back," Chan stated way too quickly. Chan practically ran out to the hallway and Soonyoung also made a bathroom excuse. This was all after a shared 'We're screwed' look between the two.

Jun and Minghao burst out in laughter as soon as the door shut.

"Not my best work," Jun started, and Minghao finished with "But clearly good enough."

"They're clearly gonna tip-toe around us now."

Minghao laughs almost immediately. "And I'm so okay with that."

'What comedy,' they both thought. Surely the two outside were glad their pain was joy-filling for these bullies

▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣

Outside in the hall, Soonyoung and Chan were panicking. Many "Do you think" statements were uttered with speed.

"Do you think they know? Are we done for? Oh God yeah they are gonna kill us. We're done!"

"Soonyoung for the love of God please, you forgot the built in backup plan."

"The what?"

Chan sighed and said, "The deal with the devil strategy."

There was a moment of silence, where Chan could only stare incredulously at Soonyoung's still clearly lost face. "I need to explain further, don't I?"

"Yeah, maybe a little."

"Right, so, Jeonghan was helping us right? Doesn't the whole plan we pulled seem like a Jeonghan kind of idea?"

"Oh! Oh oh, really smart."

"I'm aware, thank you." Chan sassily did a fake hair flip and walked back in the practice room.

▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣ | ▣ - ▣

"Okay, phone call handled, let's get back at it?" Chan takes control.

"Ah, sure, but can I ask you something?"

Chan's eyes widened some, but he kept cool and replied with a yes. Soonyoung was honestly more worried than Chan was.

"Just, I wanna know," Jun prepared, "did you think my friend looked familiar at all?"

Now both Chan and Soonyoung were panicked. Minghao and Jun on the other hand were holding their laughter as best as they could.

"Just, you seemed like you knew him from somewhere, maybe he looked like a mutual friend?"

"Right, um about that phone call."

"We get it," Minghao filled in, knowing where the excuse would go, "Go do your thing, you too, Soonyoung."

Laughs would be had over this for years, since everyone left that room knowing Soonyoung and Chan were busted.


Idk i havent done a written chapter in a quick minute and um frankly im bored and wanted to do a fun thing


Oh and uhhh fun times i totally wrote based off the title this time i mean ive done it before but like idk this felt special pun not intended considering said title was inspired by a different twice song (hell in heaven, a banger, feel special also being a banger)

And im very aware that the borders weren't necessary everywhere necessary i just hadnt remembered using many recently, again todays chapter was purely me having fun bullying the members and making fun agent/spy/secret mission/whatever references.

-zi, who like mystery and must add it in everything !! even if it's not dramatic at all

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