[S50] solace

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Why he had promised himself what he did, he wasn't sure.

Promises always seemed to work out strangely for Jihoon. Well, sometimes 'strange' meant actually strange and sometimes it meant just not working out at all. He could keep promises, but any promises related to Soonyoung as of recent times were... strange. The second definition of strange.

Anyhow, Soonyoung was at the door and this was about to happen. Things will go where they will, let things flow like water, and there will be no freak outs, promise.

What definition of strange would that promise be? Guess time will only know. The sick game this life is.

"So, Soonyoung, can I ask you something?"

"I assume that's what you meant by 'Hey, come over. Important.' So yes, ask away, dry texter."

"I'm not normally that dry of a texter and you know it."

Before Jihoon could continue, Soonyoung patted his shoulder and led him over to the couch while shaking his head and 'tsk'ing. Jihoon figured he was being mocked or something. It was so typical he just let it happen and decided to not care.

"Yeah, remember that demo I sent you a few weeks back?"

"Oh, the heart attack one? Or something else?"

"The heart attack one, but any work for this."

'Any work for this?' Soonyoung thought, 'How would that make sense? Where was this going...'

"How? I don't follow."

"Oh, I just wanna know why I heard it playing in one of the dance practice rooms at school."

'Oh, haha.. That's what this is, welp. I'm caught now, no turning back.' Soonyoung was definitely thinking he should've been more careful. Or maybe even just asked first or something. He just knew the course of action he took got him here, and so... it was not the best course of action.

"Busted," he grinned sheepishly.

"Yeah, little bit."

"Look, I'm sorry. It's just a really good piece and I had instant inspir-"

"Oh, it's not a problem, just wanted to scare you a bit. Also wanted to know if I had my information right," Jihoon laughed. He was a little more than proud of himself for this plan. It was just really funny watching Soonyoung squirm.

"...Ok, so we're cool?"


"Awesome, yeah I... should've asked first but I figured you'd say no. I think I was going for ask forgiveness instead of permission, but I'm not sure."

"Water under the bridge, although I have no new demos for you so you'll be out of new materials from me for a bit."

Soonyoung figured Jihoon wouldn't go for a long period of time without producing under normal circumstances, so he had to be working on something still, so he asked to fill his curiosity, "Whatcha working on then?"

"The play soundtrack. Refining details and such, and I don't think I can give you those."

Oh, that's right, he's involved in the play production as well. He was barely, if ever, present at rehearsals, and with Soonyoung working during that time, he'd barely notice his presence anyway. "How are you doing with that by the way? We haven't talked like this in some time."

Jihoon hummed while thinking for a moment, then he answered the question. "Working on a song in school is actually pretty good, I feel good about it."

"You should," Soonyoung praised, "You have skill you oughta be showing off!"

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