Part 1. WHY ME?

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I look in the direction of a familiar voice at the airport. My happy face now turned into a grumpy face seeing a tall black haired, blue-eyed boy, my so called brother waving at me along with my parents.

My mother busy on her phone and dad just standing with no expression on his face, as if he was forced to come here.

"Noah! Dad! Mom!" I greeted them, feeling bored to even greet them.

"We missed you Caro! It's great to have you back with us here in New York." My brother said enclosing me in a bear hug.

I did not hug him back just moved out of his arms and saw mom and dad looking towards me.

"I wished I was never back, I am already feeling homesick." I said and took out my phone and earphones.

I carried my luggage towards our car, with earphones plugged in full volume. Noah tried to help me but I rejected his help.

I saw mom saying something to dad maybe complaining about me but not my fault.

We sat in, mom in passenger seat next to dad who is driving, while my brother and I occupied the back seat of the car.

The drive was silent or maybe I did not hear anything because of earphones but I was happy this way.

Well, I am Caroline Jones. I am called 'Caro' by my close ones. I'm seventeen turning eighteen next month. Mark is nineteen but we are in same grade anyway!

Dad is a businessman and mom owns a boutique, she is a fashion designer. My family shifted to New York when I was five but left me with my grandparents in California.

My grandfather died when I was thirteen and my grandmother died last week. I am here in New York to stay with my so called family and attend high school with my 'o so beloved brother'. Note the sarcasm.

"We are here!" Mom said as we pulled up in front of our house.

Noah offered to carry my baggage to which I rejected and asked a maid to help me. She walked me in through the front door into the living room. It was a big house with many rooms, I will take my tour later on for sure.

I walked upstairs to my room. Opening the door, I entered a simple but elegant room. But it was so not my style, it was classy whereas I like loud things. I sure need to renew it soon.

I looked around my new room, took a shower, wore a shorts and a crop top, then began to unpack.

It was time for dinner by the time I was done arranging my things and setting up my room. I looked around and thought about buying a few poster for my room and paint to change the color of my room.

After dinner, I headed to lawn and sat down on the lawn. The moon was shining brightly and as our place was a bit outside of city the stars were clearly visible.

I loved stars so I lay down on the grass and watch the stars peacefully.

"I miss you granny, I wish you could have stayed with me forever. You know mom and dad did not even try talking to me, they still ignore me like a plague. I miss our home, your cooking and the peace we had there. I wish I was a little less of a troublemaker and did not make you worried like I always did. Thanks granny for never giving up on me."

I watch the stars and talk to her, I knew she was somewhere in that stars and listening to me.

She was my mom, dad and best friend, she was the only one who never gave up on me like others.

I heard Noah say "Wherever she is, she is proud of you Caro, she loved you a lot. Even when I used to come there during summer vacation her priority was always you. I was so jealous of you and that is why I always caused trouble and blamed you for it. That was my way of getting her attention."

I looked at him as he sat down beside me. I just rolled my eye and said "I just can't sit in peace. You have to always disturb me."

I got up and went to my room. I saw his hurt expression and a sad face but I ignored it.

I woke up next morning, even though my bed was tempting I had to get up. I rubbed my eyes, got out of bed and into the bathroom.

I did my morning chores after bath, I got dressed in a ripped blue jeans and a black t-shirt. After that I went down for breakfast.

Noah and I arrived at same time, he wished me morning and I just nodded at him.

He took one of the chair while I went and sat on a chair opposite to him. Dad was reading newspaper and mom was as usual on her phone.

I have not seen my mom much just during break time when they used to come there or I was here but we never had a comfortable relationship.

We are always awkward around each other. While I was eating my sandwich dad cleared his throat to get our attention and said

"As you two have two months of summer vacation, you are going to a summer camp for a month. This is more of a promotional camp for my business, you will be doing few social service work there. After the camp you two can do whatever you want to do for a month."

I looked at him and asked "Why me?" He looked puzzled and asked "What do you mean by why me? Noah knows what is to be done in this camp, he has attended such camps in past. This will be your first and last camp, so I want you to go with your brother. I want people to know my daughter. You are leaving day after tomorrow, go shopping with your brother and get all the things you need."

I angrily said "You are not my parents my only parents were granny and grandpa. Please I am not interested in any of this, I want to just enjoy my life. As soon as I am done with high school I am leaving you two!"

For the first time mom said "I don't want you talking to us like that young lady and I will make you a deal. Attend the camp and I will myself pay for your university and your future living after graduating from high school."

I thought about it for a minute, it was a good deal. I mean I can attend whatever college I want and live in whichever city I want, all I have to do is attend a month of this boring camp. So I said "We have a deal here!"

I had nothing to lose out of this deal. So after that I went up to my room without waiting for her or anyone else to reply.

So how did you all like the first chapter? Please do suggest me some tags for this story. I will post the next chapter soon.

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