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Next day Allen gave me the best surprise by coming to Miami with us.

As soon as we reached Miami, Allen and I spend the whole time together. Got an awesome gift, Allen gifted me his hoodie which I loved alot. We played board games whole night with others.

He even planned a surprise for me, where he planned the fireworks on the beach. We watched sun set and rise. We went laser tagging, ice skating and bowling too. They were the the best seven days. Grace and I got along well with Noah's and Ollie's friends.

I am happy that I already have a group before entering school. I have been extra emotional since the day we got back as the next day Allen was leaving for Harvard.

The day of his departure was already here and I was waiting with Ollie and Noah to bid him goodbye.

I was sad and wanted to cry, but I know he needs to do it and I must control myself. Noah gave me a sad smile and asked "You okay?"

I nodded and gave him a small forceful smile. I know both of them knew I was not okay but I am going to be strong.

I mean I just met Allen a month ago and I am sure I can leave without him around for a few years or maybe few months. I trust him and I am sure this phase will pass too.

Allen came out where we all were waiting after bidding goodbye to his parents.

He talked to Ollie told him to call him anytime and not worry about mom dad.

He then had a small talk with Noah. After that he came towards me and hugged me and said "I will miss you alot."

I hugged him back and said "I will miss you more." He just chuckled and said "Take care and stay out of trouble."

I just nodded, I had tears in my eye.

Allen might have realized it too, he placed his palms on both my cheeks rubbed my tears and said "Before you know it I will be back with you. You know you have Ollie, Grace, Noah and others but I will be alone. I think I should be the one crying."

I hit him and said "You take care too and dare you look at any other girl. I will remove your eyes and keep it with me forever."

Ollie, Noah and Allen laughed. After that Allen finally kissed me and left.

Ollie asked "So bitches ready for school tomorrow?" I shook my head and said "I wished I was here last year I could have gone to school with Allen."

Ollie hit me and said "I thought you will be happy to go with me."

I rolled my eyes and said "Whatever! We will leave now! See you in the morning." He bid us good bye and we left.

At home I went straight to my room, which I have finally redecorated with help from Ollie and Noah.

My parents loved it too, my mom was kind of impressed and suggested that I could be an architect or interior designer.

I changed into a comfy clothes and then went to my neighbors house.

I have been ignoring them for past one week since they shifted here, as I was mostly with Allen.

My parents still do not know I am dating Allen and I would love to keep it that way.

My parents when they found out about my past and how helpful Jayden and Jessie were, asked them to shift beside our house.

They were going to stay in an apartment in Brooklyn but dad suggested it will be better if they stay here close to me.

He even told them that they are family and if needed anything, they should ask mom and dad.

I rang the bell, within seconds the door opened and Jessie hugged me. She asked me "So the lover boy left?"

I nodded and she teased me "So are you still a virgin or your virginity went away with him?"

I hit her on her arms and said "I am still a virgin and stop teasing me!"

I looked around and saw Jayden in the kitchen and said "Jay! Your wife is teasing me!"

Jayden laughed and said "Don't trouble my pregnant wife you stranger!"

I rolled my eye and asked him "What are you making?"

He said "Chicken Spaghetti!" I said "I will eat here only then! I love whatever you cook!"

He laughed and I asked Jessie "Where is Aaron?" She said "He is out with your parents."

I laughed and said "I think they needed a kid to keep them away from work. I am happy, they have been mostly home specially mom. She adores Aaron, she was saying last night that she fells really connected to him, like he is her own grandson."

She laugh and said "You should see how many pictures Aaron and her take on her phone. Yesterday I went to pick Aaron up from your place and those two were taking selfies."

Before I could say anything Jayden called me "Caro! Help me set up the table."

I did as I was told. I had dinner with them, after which Jayden and I talked a bit, as I was kind of feeling depressed.

He told me to paint before going to sleep and to think about Ollie, Noah and school.

He told me to enjoy there and not to worry or think about Allen. He said to call him, text him and stayed connected on social media. But not to over think about Allen or related things. After that I called it a day.

Next morning I got up early to Noah screaming about leaving me at home if I am late.

I got ready, wore my school uniform, which I brought last week. Noah and I are going together and Ollie and Grace are coming together.

I went down to see mom, dad and Noah already on the table eating breakfast. As I was not too hungry, I grabbed an apple and ate it. Dad wished us luck and told us to stay out of trouble.

Mom told us "Don't listen to him, he was a troublemaker in school. His parents were called every week once and he was found mostly in detention room. So just enjoy and get in trouble, so he knows how it feels when children cause trouble to their parents."

Noah and I just laugh and then leave for school.

I told Noah on the way "I did not knew mom dad were so cool and chilled."

He chuckled and said "Neither did I, after the camp I guess they changed too. I for the first time have seen them joking like this. I wish this never change."

I wished it too, finally I am having a normal life. Noah told me "We are picking up someone on the way. Sorry, I just wanted to tell you sooner but could not."

I said "It's okay but who?"

He said "I am dating someone, she goes to our school and we just started dating after we returned from camp. I wanted to introduce you two earlier but she was not in the city, she got back last night."

I was shocked, I felt bad for Grace. She really liked him, I asked him "Noah can you do me a favor please?"

He nodded and I said "Keep this relationship a secret! I don't want you to tell about your girlfriend to anyone. I do support you, but just not yet. Please!"

He thought for a minute and asked "But why? You don't look happy too for me? What is wrong Caro? All good?"

I don't know what to say before I could open my mouth, my phone rang and I was so thankful to the person who called me.

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