Part 9. JAYDEN

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The next morning was usual, trekking then getting ready for the day and breakfast.

After breakfast we left for the village, on the way Luna said "I like psychologist, they listen to all our problems without complaining and help us in a way which we can never think of."

I agree with her "Yes! I feel the same. They are more understanding than even our family. No offence Noah."

Noah just laughed and said "I do agree with you on it. I hope the team of psychologist is good, like the one I had. Who had also needed one in the past."

Luna, Nora and I raised our hands and Noah gave me an apologetic look. I think he still blames himself for not being there.

We entered the village and went to check on the doctors team if they were ready or needed any help.

Someone caught my eye and I screamed at top of my voice and ran towards him "Jayden!"

He turned hearing his name and when he saw me, he had a big smile on his face. I ran and hugged him and he immediately engulfed me in a hug.

He asked "How are you? What the fuck are you doing here? After I heard about your granny I came by your place but you were gone."

I was now in his arms, my legs wrapped around his waist.

I told him "My parents brought me with them to New York, but I am so happy to see you here? How are Aaron and Jessica?"

He put me down and said "They are here too, they are inside."

Noah came and stood beside me, he asked me "Who is he? Your boyfriend from Cali?"

Jayden and I both started to laugh and Jayden said "I may look young but I am actually 26 and I am not a pedophic."

I just laughed and said "He has a wife and a kid who are inside and that kid is my godson. He is a good friend and my psychologist. Jayden he is my brother Noah."

Jayden shook hands with Noah and said "It is so good to finally meet you, I have heard lots of things about you."

Noah chuckled and said "All the bad things I guess."

Jayden nodded then looked at me and said "Go inside Jessie will be so happy to see you."

I looked at Noah and asked "Can I get a day off please? I know this is not allowed but you are our team leader. They are my family Noah please."

Ollie came forward and said "I can do both our works, please let her enjoy with her godson and her family. Anyways I am Oliver her best friend."

He greeted Jayden and Jayden looked towards me in shock.

He asked me unsure "You have a best friend? You made friend? You are trusting people?"

I laughed at him and said "We have whole day I will tell you everything later."

I turned towards Noah and asked him "Can I please?"

He looked into my eyes and said "For the first time today I saw you looking so happy, how can I say no? Enjoy your day and Jayden why don't we all sit and chat after dinner tonight?" He looked towards Jayden.

Jayden shrugged and said "Why not? I would love to tell you all her embarassing stories."

I just rolled my eyes and Noah laughed and said "Okay then we will get back to work, see you in the evening."

I thanked Noah and Ollie then went inside to surprise Jessica.

As I opened the door, I saw Jessica feeding three year old Aaron. Aaron was the first one to notice me and shouted "Aunt Caro!"

Jessie turned her back and when she saw me she came and hugged me. She hit my head while hugging and it did hurt.

"Ouch! That hurts maf woman!" I exclaimed and she did it again.

She then said "You should have called or texted us before leaving. We were out of city does not means you will go away without informing us. Do you have any idea how worried we both were?."

"Mom why are you scolding aunt? Did she make a mistake like I did a few minutes ago?" My little man asked.

I picked up Aaron from the floor, I hugged him and asked "Did you miss me little man?"

"Yes aunt, I even brought a gift for you from my trip to Paris but you were not home. I looked for you and granny everywhere. Where is granny?"

I told Aaron "Granny is on a long vacation, but she is watching you. She will scold us both if we eat too many chocolates or ice cream."

Jessie cut Aaron off before he could say more "Aaron go and finish your food, then aunt and I will take you out sightseeing."

He got all excited and ran away to finish his food.

Jessie asked me "I heard about granny, how are you now? Why did you not call us, we would have come back. You two were our only family."

I sadly told her "The day you left, I told granny about what happened to me. Me almost getting rapped and she had a panic attack. I took her to the hospital and as I was a teen they called my parents. My parents were there next morning and in the afternoon doctor declared her dead. I was too shocked, my parents perfomed her last rites the same day and next day came back to New York. But before leaving they ordered me to move with them. I left three days later after packing my things. I completely forgot to inform you two, everything happened so fast. I was completely lost, thanks to my parents they send me here and I was able to move on. I made friends here and got my brother back. He is also here, you can meet him later on."

She hugged me and said "I am so happy for you, you always wanted your parents attention and your elder brother. You have them now, I know it will take time for you to adjust here with them after all this year but please try and don't let them go like I did. You never know what will happen to them the other minute and all you will have is regrets."

She fought with her parents and ran away from their house when she was 18. A year later when she fell for Jayden she planned to go meet her parents and amend their relationship but it was too late. Her parents died few months ago in an accident and she still regrets it. That she did not go meet them sooner or as to why she left them.

I nodded and Aaron said "I am done, come on let's go out. I want to see the lake and waterfalls we saw from the car on the way."

So what do you think will be Allen's reaction when he meets Jayden? 

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