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After my parents left for their work, Noah asked "You have any plans for today evening?"

I shook my head and said "No!"

He said "Then don't make any, let's have siblings day out today."

I nodded and asked "So you have a plan?"

He nodded and said "I was planning on taking you out for shopping, then a pampering session and later on to an amusement park. I always wanted to go their when I was young but never got the opportunity, so is it okay with you?"

I nodded and said "Yes! I too want to go there, I like this siblings day out. I will go and get ready, be down soon." He nodded and I left.

After about 30 minutes I came down in one of my mickey mouse crop top and a denim shorts. I saw Noah waiting for me, he was wearing a ripped jeans and a red peter pan t-shirt.

He looked at me and asked "Ready?" I nodded and we left.

We shopped a lot, Noah told me on the way that we are leaving for Miami tomorrow evening so I bought many new things for our trip.

I asked him "Who all are coming with us to Miami?"

He told me "I asked my friends from school, so that you can meet them and be comfortable around them. So my friends from school, along with Ollie and Grace."

I nodded, so it was trip with school friends. I wished Allen would come too.

After shopping we went to a spa parlor and had a relaxing spa, I was so refreshed and energetic after it.

I told Noah "Thank you Noah! I am actually feeling refreshed and ready for amusement park."

We both ate MCD on the way to the amusement park. As soon as the park was in view, Noah put a blindfold on my eyes and told me not to remove it.

I did as I was told, he took my hand and led me towards the park.

I could feel that there were not many people here, as I did not felt presence of many people around me, as it is in amusement parks generally.

As soon as we were in Noah told me to take of the blindfold, as soon as I removed my blindfold the fire crackers started and I looked up.

It was beautiful, I absolutely loved it and when the fire crackers show was complete I looked down, infront of me was a table on it was a beautiful, two layered chocolate cake and around the table were my parents, Noah, Allen, my other friends, Jayden, Jessica, Aaron and few people I did not know but they looked around my age.

My mom told me "Cut the cake Caro! Then you kids enjoy we will be leaving."

"Why are there only us here and amusement park staff around? Don't many people come to parks these days?" I asked looking around.

Noah said "We booked the entire park for a day just for you! I hope you liked our little surprise."

I was astonished and hugged him, mom and dad and thanked them. "Thank you so much! I absolutely loved it! I have never received such kind of surprise ever. I loved it a lot, I just can't express how happy I am!"

Dad laughed and said "This is nothing for our little princess! You don't need to thank us! Now cut the cake and enjoy your day with your friends."

I cut the cake and everyone sang the birthday song for me, I fed the cake piece to mom, dad, Noah, Aaron, Jessie, Jayden, Ollie, Grace and Allen.

After that everyone took the cake on their own, after which my parents left as they had some work and I was introduced to few strangers that were present.

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