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It's Friday and I haven't spoken to Allen since our last Skype call on Sunday. He tried calling me but I was ignoring him.

He did not call me back and next morning Grace told me Allen called her to ask if she was okay and whether I was at her place. I was beyond pissed and ignored him.

He tried to call my home no. or Noah or Grace or Ollie but they lied to him that I was busy and I am happy they were actually helping me.

I was in my second class chem. when the admin lady came in between the class and said "Ms. Caroline Jones! Please come with me, your father is on call and it sounds urgent."

I was kind of confused and checked my phone but no missed call, I gave a puzzled look to Ollie and he just shrugged and I left the class without disturbing the class any further.

At the office the lady showed me the phone, she went and stood beside the table reading a dairy.

C: Hey dad all okay? Why did you call school phone and not on my mobile or Noah's?

A: Hey it's me Allen!

C: What!

I saw the lady giving me a weird look, so I said

C: What do you mean dad?

A: Why aren't you texting me back? Why aren't you taking my call? I call someone else and they say you are busy! What is going on Caro?

C: Well... what? Oh, my god! That's a horrible news dad.

The lady asked me "Is everything okay?"

I asked her "Can I have a minute? If you don't mind can you wait outside for a minute?

She being an understanding lady left. After she left I scolded Allen.

C: Why are you pretending to be my father?

A: It was the only way I could think to get you on the phone. I know you loved the movie the kissing booth and wanted someone to enact this scene in real. So here I am calling you. Thanks to that movie I got this idea.

C: That is not true.

A: It is true, you don't call, nor text. Are you breaking up with me?

C: No! It's the opposite.

A: Then why are you ignoring me?

C: I don't know why! I am just trying to be mature and not be clingy. I just wanted to give you space so that you know what you want.

A: Stop it Caro! You know it very well this is not what I want. Listen call me as soon as you are done with school, I don't want you to get caught talking to your boyfriend. Bye! I love you!

I disconnected the phone. I was kind of happy to know that he still cared.

I was nervous to go to Harvard on Monday for a tour but I think now it will be better. He did take effort like he used to.

I went out to see the lady along with Noah, Ollie and Grace. Noah asked me "Is everything okay at home? What did dad wanted to tell you? Why did he not call me?"

The lady was also interested to know so I lied "Remember our aunt Allena who was ill since last week, well she passed away."

They all were giving me a confused look as if I have gone mad. I continued to give them more hint for them to stop asking "I will be leaving for Cambridge for her funeral tomorrow."

Grace understood what I wanted to tell and said "I am so sorry for your loss I wish I had met your aunt before camp too. She loved Ollie the most, just like his brother Allen."

Then Noah and Ollie understood what I wanted to say and played along until the lady left, after consoling us.

After she left Noah asked me "Was it dad or Allen?"

Grace said "Are you dumb! Do you have an aunt named Allena in Cambridge? It was Allen obviously. Did he just played the scene from The Kissing Booth 2? How romantic!"

I just blushed and said "He told me to call back after school, now after talking to him I can't wait any longer. Anyone ready to skip the school?"

Noah said "I am ready! Can Bianca tag along?" I nodded and Ollie and Grace agreed too.

Noah and I got the permission from the admin lady stating family emergency, whereas others hide and entered Noah's car without being noticed.

We went to the cliff we went on my birthday. It has became our favourite spot and not many people come there.

I texted Allen "Hey! We skipped school! Call when you are free."

Within next minute I got his call. Others were sitting and talking, making fun of people's post on Instagram and commenting on their posts.

I went away from them and answered.

C: Hey!

A: Why did you bunk? Who are we?

C: The day was boring as it's Friday and everyone is excited about next week's college tours. It's Ollie, Grace, Noah and Bianca. Zack is not with us.

A: I never asked about Zack, why would you bring him in the conversation.

C: I guessed you would want to know, on Sunday you asked Grace about him. Why did you not ask me? Were you trying to verify about it from Grace whether I was with her or not?

A: I never asked about you. We just talked and she told me. You know I trust you more than anyone. Why would I verify? I called her to ask if she was okay? About how she was doing? Ollie told me she did not come for lunch with you guys and she had been ignoring others. You also said she had a girl problem, I wanted to be sure she was okay. She is like a sister to me. We were just talking and it came out, if I didn't believe you I would have asked you directly. When did you start thinking about all this? Who is putting it in your brain?

C: It's just my time of the month and you know how I am. Sorry!

A: Caro! You are all I want and you are the person I trust the most so don't ever think all that ever. I miss you a lot and I love you a lot. Staying away from you made me realise as to how much I love you.

C: I love you too Allen and I am so sorry.

A: Don't worry! You are coming tomorrow right? We have the whole weekend, I have made so many plans. I can't wait to see you.

C: Me too Allen! I will Skype you in the evening. Bye!

A: Bye! Will be waiting.

After our call I told everyone that Allen and I have solved our misunderstandings and I will be going tomorrow as our earlier plan.

Whereas, Noah, Ollie, Bianca and Grace will be coming on Monday.

They wanted to give us privacy so Noah lied to our parents that we will be going to Harvard visit on Saturday, when actually it was just me going.

I am so happy to have such a supportive brother. He will stay hidden at Jayden's place till Monday morning. Ollie will pick him up on Monday.

I am happy for such supportive people in my life. Noah, Jayden and Jessie for hiding it from my parents and Ollie for the amazing plan.

Today evening I will be going shopping with Grace and Bianca to buy gifts for Allen.

About our other friends they are going to other colleges, Zack is also going to Harvard but he is missing the tour as he has swimming championship.

Right I forgot to tell you all Zack is a swimming champion of our school as well as city. He is one of the best and we all are really proud of him.

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