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It's been a week since we have been back from the camp. I was getting along with my parents and the awkwardness has reduced.

Noah, Grace, Ollie and I have been hanging out a lot. Allen has been exceptional busy this past week.

His father has been taking him to office with him, to teach him business techniques before he leaves.

I only saw him once after we returned back, that to I went to Ollie's home to drop of his things which was in my bag.

I don't know how his things were with me but I was thankful. When I had gone to his home, I saw Allen going to office with his dad.

He stopped for a minute to greet me. We so wanted to hug and kiss each other but his father was looking at us.

Today we all are meeting our other friends for movie and dinner. I wished Allen was here but he had to go out golfing with his father.

I am starting to hate his father for always keeping him busy. Noah and I left to pick up Ollie and Grace before meeting others.

Noah asked me "Allen is still being the same?" I nodded and said "His father is always there and never leaving him alone, I don't know why? But we talk on phone daily."

He nodded and said "Okay! If you need me to talk to him tell me."

I nodded and said "Yes I will, he said that he will try and get next two week free because after that he will be leaving."

While driving we both had small talk about Allen and me. It took us 15 minutes to reach Ollie's place.

I called him and informed him that we were waiting outside. He said he will be out in a minute.

Noah looked around and said "That is Allen's car, maybe he is at home. Call and ask him."

I shook my head and said "Maybe he went with his father. I don't want to disturb him, will talk to him in the evening as usual."

He was about to say something when Ollie came, he had a box in his hand. He sat at the back seat and passed me a box "This is for you."

I took the box from him, on the top of the box was an envelope and inside were two cup cakes.

Noah started the car and drove towards Grace's house.

I opened the letter and read it.
"Hey there beautiful!
I am sorry I broke one more promise of meeting this weekend. I hope you forgive me.
I made cup cake for you before leaving with my father.
Enjoy it and don't share it with anyone else.
I hope we can meet soon.
Missing you a lot.

I open the box and the cup cake were too cute. There was a girl design on one cake and on the other was a boy holding his ears as if he was apologizing.

I took out my phone, opened snapchat and took a picture and posted it. I captioned it as "The cutest apology I ever received." I even posted it on Instagram.

I ate the girl one cup cake and kept the other in my bag to eat later on. We reached Grace's house, while on the way Ollie and Noah kept on teasing me.

Grace came and before even greeting any of us she said "You have the cutest and most romantic boyfriend. I am so jealous."

I just rolled my eyes and said "You will find him too soon. I know you have eyes on someone."

Noah asked "What? She likes someone and I don't know that? Why am I the last one to know everything."

Grace hit me from behind and said "She is just teasing me, there is no one."

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