Part 10. DO I LIKE HER?

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Everyone left for village, I was late as after breakfast I had to talk to Mr. Lee about Nick's punishment.

When I went to the village, looking for my group member I saw Caroline hugging a boy from far away.

She was in his arms, her legs around his waist. They looked like a couple madly in love. I don't know why but I felt a bit jealous.

Mostly I am happy to see couples madly in love, I love the affection they show each other. But looking at them I felt sad and disappointed.

I went forward, saw Noah and then Oliver shaking hands with him. After that Noah said something and they all left except Caro. She went inside the doctors living area.

Oliver saw me and came towards me. He was about to say something, but I cut him of and asked "Who was the boy with Caro? They looked close?"

Ollie gave me a look hard to understand and then asked "Why jealous?"

I just rolled my eye and said "No! I was just asking. Anyway lets go back to work." We both made our way towards the village houses.

Ollie kept talking "Aren't they a cute couple? She was so happy to see him. I have never seen her so happy in past few days we have known her. She jumped into his arms after seeing him. You know he is 26 years old and a psychologist. Isn't it cool?"

The age part got my attention, I was listening silently but the age part hit me.

I said "What is cool about it? She is just a teen, how can she have him as her boyfriend. Maybe he is just using her because she is an immature teen, who craves for attention. Is he pedophic? I will talk to her come with me right now."

Ollie giggled, I gave him a glare and asked "What?" He just shrugged.

We both stopped midway and I asked him "I saw Noah also talking to him. How can he let his sister date someone so old? Last night he was like she can't date anyone, whoever she dates must be better than me. What was all that shit?"

Ollie said "Maybe he knew the boy from before, hence approved their relationship. I think you should go and talk to her. Come on I will come with you."

I nodded and we went back. I saw Caro coming out with a woman and a kid in Caro's arm.

Kid looked around 3-4 years old. I mummer "Now who are they?"

I guess Ollie heard it and said "That is Caro's boyfriend's elder sister and her child."

I rolled my eye and when we were near them I called out Caro. "Caro! Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone?"

She nodded and turned towards the woman and said "I will be back in a minute. And you little man no running around."

She put the child down and came towards me and Ollie.

Ollie excused himself "I just received a text from Noah, he needs help. Please excuse me!" And ran away.

Caro asked "Yes Allen?" I looked around and their were many people around so said "Let's talk outside near the lake."

She agreed and we both walked towards the lake.

On reaching lake side, she asked "Okay! What is it Allen? All okay? What did you wanted to talk about?"

I ran my fingers from my hair nervously, took a deep breath and said "How can you date a 26 year old man? Isn't he too old for you?"

She heard it for a second she looked at me and then started laughing. I have never seen her laugh like that before, she looked so beautiful. Her eyes were shining and she looked like the happiest person around.

She in-between laughter said "He is like a elder brother to me, he is my psychologist from Cali. The lady with me was his wife and the kid was his son. I am that kid's god mother."

I was shocked to hear it and knew Ollie played me, he is surely dying tonight.

I said "Oh! Sorry Ollie told me he was your boyfriend."

She rolled her eyes and said "He is so going to die, why would he say that to you out of all people."

I chuckled at this and asked "Why can't he say that to me?" Her now laughing face was red, was it a blush.

Does she like me? God that red face makes me want to kiss her and keep doing it forever.

She scratched her head and said "I will go, Jessie and Aaron are waiting for me."

She then without even listening to my reply ran away. God that was cute, she is cute.

I went back and saw her talking to the lady I assume Jessie and went towards village. I went to my allotted family home and took them for check up with me.

I saw while Caro was playing with the kid and talking to lady, she kept looking at me. I was doing the same, but whenever we have a eye contact she pretends to be busy. Cute!

Today I guess she wanted to stay with them and hence I saw Ollie doing all her work. I was happy to see Ollie getting along with someone other than me.

Him and Noah sure are best friends but he never shared his problems with him, he never stood up for him or me.

But that day when I heard he stood up for Caro, I was happy that he is learning something good from her.

She is a good influence on him and after I leave for Harvard he will have someone other than Noah. I need not worry much about him any longer.

Ollie is my little brother, he has been bullied all his life. He would never complaint about it to me, or his teachers or to our parents.

Our parents never understood him and even when he came home hurt they used to say it was a process of getting stronger.

They never complaint about all this to school authority. They do not support him because he is gay.

Last year after he was admitted to hospital he confessed of being gay and my parents said they will never support him.

Thank God I am an adult now and can understand him and help him. Or he would have been alone, I am thankful to Noah for being his friend even after knowing he is gay and fighting for him when I am not there.

I was worried that if I leave what will happen to Ollie but now seeing him and Caro together I think he found my replacement for the time I am not there.

While I was looking at Ollie and thinking about him I felt someone sit beside me and heard "What are you thinking about? You look lost?"

I turned and look at Caro sitting beside me. I just shrugged and said "Nothing specific, just random thoughts. Anyways you look happy."

She nodded and said "I am happy, I never thought I would meet them so soon, after leaving Cali. But I did, you know they saved me. I don't know what I would have done without them 4 years back."

He asked me "Want to share, what happened then?"

She was unsure "Maybe some other time."

Amelia came and interpreted our talk "Allen we need your help, can you come with me?"

I being a helpful person agreed "Sure, see you later Caro."

She waved at me but looked irritated maybe because our conversation was distributed. Am I imagining things or was it real.

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