Part 16. HELP ME

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The days passed by soon and tomorrow morning is our big day. I have been civil with everyone for past few days, Ollie and Grace have been big help. I guess Allen was right, I should start trusting people.

I was finally done with all my paintings, I made Twenty paintings. We have completed decorating our stalls to make it look more attractive and we were all finally set up for the fete.

I never thought I would say this, but I am going to miss this place and I did enjoy here.

As everyone was busy with one thing or the other, I thought about visiting the lake.

Last week Mr. Lee allowed us to go to lake before 10 pm and not after that, before it we could only to go lake by 6 pm.

I went their alone and was admiring the beauty around, it sure was peaceful at night time. I loved the darkness the only light was of moon and the shining stars.

I looked up towards stars and said "Granny isn't it beautiful? I guess you were right granny when you said give time and you will have people who love you and want to be with you for real."

I had tears in my eye, I wiped it and continued "Granny I have true friends and a brother who is too protective but caring. I have a boyfriend too now granny and if you would have met him you would have loved him."

I was then staring silently towards the stars, when I felt someone's presence. I looked around and could not see anyone, so not feeling comfortable anymore, I got up.

I was about to leave when someone caught me from backside. I turned around to see Nick, I tried to get out of his grip on my hand but it was too tight and was hurting me.

I said "Leave me Nick before you regret."

He laughed and said "Stop behaving like a strong person when you are not. You know I actually liked you but you believed those false rumors your friends told you. Come on the first time we were here you yourself said that you trust me."

I chuckled still in his grip and said "I never said it, I said I wish you could clear your name. But then I saw your true self, you tried to hit me twice and you bullied Ollie due to which he was hospitalized. I hate people like you Nick."

He angrily said "You were the one to slap me, I wanted to kill you. But I like you so I did not do anything. Love me or hate me I don't care. If I want something I get it."

I knew where this was going and became violent, I hit him with my other hand and legs.

But it was no use, he was more stronger than me and I was just hurting myself.

I started shouting "Help me! Someone please help me!"

He placed his hand on my mouth to stop me from shouting, I bite his hand for him to move it and again shouted "Help!"

He slapped me and said "You are going to regret it!"

He moved forward his lips falling straight on mine. I moved my head and tears started falling from my face.

He was lowering his hands and they were just about to open my shorts button when I felt him being pulled away and then he was on the floor.

I still crying, while I saw a very angry Allen on Nick hitting him and others running our way.

I fell down on my knees crying. The first person to come and hug me were Avery and Grace.

Someone was rubbing my back from behind to calm me down and now Noah was also hitting Nick. Whereas Ollie, Louis and Matt were pulling them away.

When Noah's eye landed on me he let Nick go and came and hugged me.

He apologized and said "I should have not let you go alone, I am sorry Caro please forgive me. I was again unable to protect you, I am such a bad brother." He had tears in his eyes.

I was a bit calm now and felt safe in his arm, I hugged him back and said "You did not fail Noah and I am thankful that you were here on time. How did you know I was in trouble?"

Ollie sat down beside me and said "Allen was looking out for you and when he did not see you he asked Noah if he has seen you, Matt was with Noah and he saw you going towards lake and told Allen. Avery's cousin Yemen had just come to dining area with her and said that Nick went towards lake too and we all ran here."

I was still shaken and did not let Noah go, I was still hugging him and thanked everyone.

Allen and Louis dragged Nick with them, maybe to report him. Noah and I got up but he did not leave my hand and we both walked towards the camp area behind Allen.

Allen kept on turning his head towards me making sure I was fine. We all went to Mr. Lee's office, outside his office were the people I did not wanted to see me like this.

My parents ran towards us seeing both of us like this. Mom had a concerned look and dad looked worried too.

Mom asked "What happened to you two? Were you both crying?"

Noah still holding my hand told my parents "The boy Nick in Allen's hold tried to assault Caro. She is kind of shaken up."

Mom hugged me and I saw dad angrily punching Nick. I did not knew he had such temper.

Allen stopped dad from punching him again and said "Sir! We don't want you to land in trouble for hitting a teenager. Noah and I had given him what he deserves and we are going to complaint about him to cops this time, as this is the second time he tried this. He did the same last year."

I was kind of uncomfortable in mom's arms and pulled away from her, mom might have noticed it and backed away.

Mr. Lee was also standing there and said "He will stay with me until his parents arrive tomorrow morning, you all can go back to your rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Jones your room is set up and you can let me handle him."

I said "Lets go, I don't want to drag this matter anymore. Dad I request you to get me a restrain orders from him when we are back home."

Dad said "That will be the first thing I will do when we are back. Which school this boy goes to?"

Oliver answered this time "Uncle he is in our school."

Dad looked at me worried and said "I will make sure he is not allowed to be in your school anymore." I nodded and we left.

Noah, Avery, Grace, Ollie and Allen dropped me outside my tent, wished me good night and after they were sure I was okay they left.

Allen and Noah stayed to talk to me. Noah asked me "You sure you are okay?"

I nodded and said "I am okay Noah and I am actually feeling well this time. I am not depressed like last time, when it happened. You want to know why?"

He nodded and I said "I feel protected and safe here. I have you, Allen, Ollie, Avery and Grace. When I am with any of you I feel safe and secure. I was insecure when I came here, because I never had any friends before. But now I have you all and I am okay. I am sure about it."

He looked into my eyes still worried to see if I was being honest and when he felt I was being honest he nodded and gave me a hug and wished me good night.

I asked him before leaving "Noah I want to ask you just one favor if you agree?"

I saw him nod and said "Please give me and Allen a chance! If he hurts me you will be the first one to know, then you can kill him."

Allen whose eye were on me all this while finally took it away from me and looked at Noah.

Noah turned to look at us both and said "Caro! I know he is a good boy and I trust him, but he is leaving and I don't believe in long distance relationship. It will only hurt you two."

I was about to tell Noah that we still want to give it a try but Allen said before me "I have something to tell you Caro that's why I was looking for you earlier. Noah I think you should hear it too."

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