Part 12. NEW START

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I kept turning and tossing around, I was unable to sleep as I kept on thinking about all the things happened in the past.

I still don't know why Max killed himself, he was my only friend.

I felt someone pacing around my tent, I quietly went out to see Allen walking around nervously, he looked worried.

I asked him "All okay?"

He turned towards me and asked "You still up? I am sorry! Did I disturb you?"

I shook my head and said "No I was up, had lot in my mind and could not sleep." He asked "Want to share?"

I said "Nope! I don't want to be judged like before."

He gave me an apologetic look and said "I am sorry! I did not mean to say it, I guess I lost my temper."

I knew this is the time I open up to him and get to know him. I wanted to ask him why he behaved like that earlier.

He is always so sweet with others and never seen him be rude to anyone else then why me.

I did not wanted to have this conversation outside so I took his hand and pulled him in my tent.

He said "We are not allowed to enter each others tents at night time. If someone finds out we will be punished."

I just chuckled and said "Rules are made to be broken."

He locked the tent from inside so that we don't get caught and sat down on my bed and asked "What do you want to talk about?"

I asked him "Why did you lose your temper Allen? That is so not like you." I went and sat beside him.

He nervously scratched his head and said "I don't know! When I saw you in the morning in Jayden's arms it hurt, when Ollie told me he was your boyfriend I wanted to kill Jayden. Earlier when he said you thought of him as your dream man and kissed him, I could not take it anymore and said that. I seriously did not mean in Caro! I am really sorry."

I was shocked, does he like me too? Am I over reading this situation?

I asked him "What is all this Allen? I saw you sneaking glances my way the whole day."

He chuckled and said "You were doing the same. I did caught you few times. You even notice me, when I am happy, when I am sad or angry. Does it mean something to you Caro?"

I shrugged and said "I was just clicking pictures when I observed you sitting alone and think about something. So as a friend I asked and now, you were pacing around like a mad man, if I did not bring you here I am sure Nick would have abused you for disturbing his sleep."

He shook his head and said "Then I should thank you for saving me from a fight with Nick. Anyways show me your camera, I want to see today's pictures."

I said "I have transferred the pictures in my laptop, wait I will show you all the pictures."

I removed my laptop from my bag and opened it. I started showing him pictures I clicked today.

First few were the morning trek pictures, then Jayden's working picture, Aaron and Jessie's, few were of Noah, Grace, Ollie, other people from the camp and many were Allen. Can't help it he has a picture perfect face.

He might have observed it and said "My pictures are so amazing, I never noticed when you clicked so many. Last evening were Ollie and Grace teasing you because you had too many of my pictures?"

I had my blush back and today lights being on he can see it clearly and he commented "You are red! Are you blushing? Do you have crush on me?"

Too embarrassed to answer, I said "Why don't you go back to your room? You look fine now."

He laughed and then kept looking at me for few seconds, and asked "Changing subject are we? So you do like me!"

I rolled my eyes and said "I don't!"

He chuckled and pulled my cheeks and said "I was not asking, I just stated that you like me. How cute!"

I could not help but blush more, out of no where my confidence was back and I said "So what? I am sure that is not one sided. You get hurt seeing me in someone else arms, you want to kill someone assuming they are my boyfriend. So if that is not liking me then what is it you tell?"

I gave him a smirk and raised my eye happily as if I have won the biggest competition of my life.

This time he was a bit red, blushing. I took a chance and pulled his cheeks and said "Blushing! How cute!"

He rolled his eye and said "Whatever! Stop smirking and stop biting your lips."

I stated "I won't!" He just said one thing "I warned you!"

As I started biting my lips again. I saw him moving closer to me, our nose was touching each other, there was hardly any gap between our lips.

He whispered "May I?" I so wanted to kiss him, but I did not have strength to even open my mouth. I just nodded.

The moment I nodded, his lips touched mine. In the start it was slow and smooth but seconds later we both became hungry for each other and were about to have a make out session.

I had a flashback and I pushed him away.

He was shocked first, but when he saw tears in my eye he became worried and asked "You okay? What happened? You were fine a minute ago! Did I make a mistake?"

I shook my head and hugged him, he kept rubbing my back to calm me down.

It took me about 10 minutes to calm down, after which he asked "You okay? What happened? Want to share?"

If I want to start something new, I need to forget the past. I need to trust Allen, if we ever date this is bound to happen. I can't let past spoil it for me. I do want to give us a try.

I replied still hugging him "Allen I don't know what we have? I do trust you and you did nothing wrong. But it is me! This is the first time I was so close to someone after that almost rape incident. I thought I was over it but I am not. When I was kissing you earlier I felt dirty, I had a flashback of what happened. I am sorry!"

Allen put his hand on my shoulder and now we were facing each other he said "Listen to me very carefully! There is nothing to feel dirty about Caro! I will admit it I do like you a lot, I don't know when it happened or I how can it happen so early. But I like you and I want to give us both a chance if you agree. I want to be in a relationship with you, even if it means I have to help you with your traumas. I will be there with you every moment and we will take things slow. I will help you recover and never ever let you feel dirty about it. I wish I could kill that Flex boy or I wish I was there to help you. I wasn't and it makes me feel bad but now I am here and we will get through it together."

He said those words and kissed me on my head.

I hugged him and asked "Promise! You will never leave me? If you ever get tired of me, before leaving me you will tell me?"

Allen hugged me back and said "Promise! I am never leaving you and I will never be tired of you. Come on now sleep, we have a long day tomorrow. I will see you tomorrow morning."

I stated"Please stay!"

He said "I have to go! If anyone see us together at night time alone in your tent, we will be in trouble. I promise you the first thing you will see in the morning is my face."

I nodded and wished him good night and he left not before giving me a kiss on my head and hugging me.

I just thought to myself "Am I in a relationship?" With that thought in my mind I let sleep take over me.

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