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It's been a month since school started, I was trying to be mature and not disturb Allen much, we now limited our conversation to one video call at night.

I don't text him much as I don't want to disturb him. I reply to his text's mostly with I am good. How are you? Everyone is fine here. I am busy. Ttyl.

I mostly don't receive his call in day time, only a video call at night. He has been too busy with studies, so he too has been calling and texting less.

I have become friends with Zack, he was kind of cool guy and he has started hanging out with Ollie, Grace our other friends who went to Miami with us and me.

Noah had a change of circle and he mostly hangout with Bianca and her friends.

It's Saturday night and Noah is out with Bianca. Mom and dad are out for a business dinner.

Jayden had to meet a client in Brooklyn so he took Jessie and Aaron with him, as Jessie wanted to go shopping.

I am home alone today and was about to paint when I got a text from Allen, to come on Skype.

I turned on my laptop and logged in. As soon as he saw I was online he called me, I received his call.

I saw Allen sitting without a shirt, he still has those abs.

Where does he get's time to exercise and maintain his body. He looks sexy and handsome as always.

A: Hey baby! You have been too busy the whole week?

C: You too were busy!

A: How's you? Last night I called you but I guess you slept early.

C: We had a movie night and I forgot to call you back. Sorry.

A: Anyways I am going out with friends and will be late so I called you before going so that you don't have to wait till late for my call.

C: Where are you going?

A: Clubbing! Anyways my friends are here let me open the door and you can meet them.

I nodded and he went to open the door. His apartment looked so empty, he hasn't even unpacked yet, I guess.

His bag was lying on the floor beside bed and his clothes still in it.

I wish I was there to help him. He came back with few more boys.

He sat back down and said "Everyone meet my girlfriend Caroline. Caro these are my friends."

I waved at them. A boy said "If he leaves you, I am available. You are so beautiful."

Allen hit him and said "She is mine and I am not leaving her ever."

Before anyone can say a girl walked in and said "Allen you are not ready? Come on we will be late."

Allen got up and hugged her, I was jealous. She was pretty, she looked like a model and if I were a boy I would have surely thought about dating her.

Allen said "Caro! Meet Sophie she is a good friend. Anyways I got to go, will call you tomorrow."

I nodded but my attention was behind him, I saw that Sophie girl after waving at me, moving towards Allen's bag and removing his clothes.

She commented "We are unpacking your bags tomorrow Allen."

Allen turned and nodded to her, he even without looking towards me left. He did not even realised that the video was still on.

I saw him wear a shirt she choose and then without turning off his laptop he left.

I did not disconnect the call as I wanted to see when he comes back and he was the one to always disconnect first, so when he sees it he will disconnect it.

I painted, after I was done ordered Chinese for me, as I was craving it.

I ate my food in my room and then looked at my laptop screen the apartment was still empty.

I was bored so I scrolled down Instagram. I saw Noah and Bianca had posted an official picture of them declaring themselves as a couple.

I liked it and congratulated them. I then send Bianca friend request.

After that I was about to call Ollie, when I got a call from Zack. I recieved the call and said "Hey!"

Z: Hey! Everyone is busy again tomorrow, I was thinking if possible can we go out somewhere? Rather than being bored at home?

C: Sure!

Z: Okay what do you want to do? Have anything in mind specific?

C: Nope! You suggest?

Before he could say anything I heard.

A: Shit Caro! You still up? Why did you not disconnect the call?

C: Zack see you tomorrow bye!

I disconnected his call and looked at my laptop screen.

C: You always disconnect the call, so I let it stay like this. You are back early?

A: You know I don't like much of crowded place with drunk people. So I came back early. Others are still there.

C: Okay! I am about to sleep. Talk to you tomorrow.

A: Where are you going tomorrow? You told Zack you will see him tomorrow?

C: We are just hanging out.

A: Okay good night! Talk to you tomorrow.

I disconnected the call and thought to myself why are we growing so distant. With that thought in mind I fall asleep.

Next morning Noah woke me up and asked me "Hey Bianca wanted to talk to you and apologize for earlier. She is feeling sorry for dragging me away from you all and wanted to meet you and others. Are you free?"

I told him "I was going out with Zack but I can ask him to tag along. Who else are coming?"

He smiled and said "Except for Grace everyone is coming."

I nodded and said "Okay! When and where? I will be there. Will inform Zack too."

He said "Bianca is coming over for breakfast and asked if you are free after breakfast she wants to go shopping with you."

I nodded and said "Okay I will be ready and be down soon."

He nodded and thanked me. After he left I called Grace. She answered "Hey!"

C: You okay? I know Noah made it official with Bianca and you like her."

G: Sorry I forgot to tell you, but he was just a crush. I thought I liked him, but since last couple of weeks he has been distant and I started liking someone else.

C: Who? And why did you not tell me? I was worried for nothing.

She laughed and said "Sorry about that, but I like Ollie and you can't tell anyone. I don't know how did it happen, knowing he is gay I fell for him hard. I am always around him and when not I am thinking about him. At first I thought it was because we are friends but then I never felt the same about you. I am in deep shit. I don't know what to do. I am keeping my distance from him hence I can't come today and hence I am always busy. I am ignoring him."

I felt more bad for her. I don't know what to say or what to do to help her. I asked her "Want to meet and talk?"

She said "Okay! I will see you in the evening. Call me when you are done with lunch with others."

After that we disconnected the call and I got ready.

I hoped that my meeting with Bianca will be nothing like my last meeting. I want to like her and actually be happy for Noah.

I am going to try my best and not let my anger ruin it for him.

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