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After my birthday celebration, we were back home and I changed into a fresh piece of clothes.

Jessie and Jayden called me just few minutes ago to wish me and said they have a surprise for me, which I will be getting later on.

I opened my Instagram to see many notifications. I checked all the notifications.

1 Noah: He posted a picture of me cutting cake today and captioned it as "Happy birthday my beautiful sister! May you get all the happiness you deserve. Although I was not given a choice, even though I had a choice I would choose you to be my little sister! Happy birthday sis!"

2 Avery: She posted my picture from camp, where I was hugging her and we both were laughing. It was a candid clicked by Louis. She captioned it as "Hey there! I never knew I would be close to someone in just a month! But you surely are an exception! I love you so much girl and this picture says it all, the bond we have and if I were a boy I would have never let Allen have you! You are mine. #GF happy birthday."

3 Louis: He has posted today's cake cutting picture and captioned it as "Happy birthday! I don't talk much as you know but with you around no one can keep shut. Happy birthday crazy Girlfriend of my girlfriend."

4 Amelia: She posted a picture of me and Allen, today when he was cleaning my face and captioned it. "Happy birthday Caro! I am happy to have you as a friend and I am thankful that we did not have to fight over this idiot. I am happy to let him go! Hey Idiot Allen dare you hurt my girl and you will forever regret it."

Allen commented on it "Hey I thought you were my friend."
Amelia "I changed my side, you know the saying Sisters before Misters."

I laughed and saw other posts.

5 Grace: She posted a video of me attacking Ollie with the cake and captioned it as "I don't know if you two are seriously 18, you just turned 18 today but look at you. You are crazy one but a bundle of joy. I am happy to find a friend like you, I am so happy to meet you and the bond I share with you, I don't think I can share the same with anyone. Hey their my human diary Happy Birthday."

6 Ollie: He posted a Boomrang of me hugging Allen and he pulling Allen away. He captioned it as "Hey my brother's girlfriend happy birthday! I was the cupid in your story but you never thanked me and took my brother away from me. I hate you my bestie!

Allen commented on it "Hey there, that was rude. She is so going to block you."
Grace "I can't wait to see her reaction on this post."
Noah "That's my sister you are talking about."
Ollie "He posted a rolling eye emoji."

7 Jessie: She posted a picture of me, her, Jayden and Aaron. She captioned it as happy birthday my husband's little sister, my son's god mother and my sweetheart. I am thankful to god for you in our life, I can't wait to see your reaction on receiving our surprise. Hope you like it.

8 Allen his was the last notification. I opened it to see, first picture of us kissing today. Second me sleeping in the tent, from our camp. Third was today's selfie and last one was me sitting by the lake and painting. He captioned it as "I don't know how I got so lucky that I found you. It took me just a week to fall for you. I am the happiest boy as you are my treasured trophy. Hey there my beautiful, crazy you! Happy 18th, I have more surprise for you later. I hope your day only gets better."

Ollie commented "How cute! But you forgot to thank the cupid!"
Allen "In your dreams bro!"

I thanked everyone and re-posted everyone's post.

I saw Allen's post had around 100 comments and I read a few, his friends congratulated him for being committed, a few commented we both look amazing together, one of his buddy commented that he should introduce me to his friends soon and few asked how we met, how long have we been together.

There were few happy birthday message, a few said he could have done better and someone asked him am I Noah's sister.

He was correct about being famous, now my list had many new friend request. I ignored the request for Ollie to decide who to add and who to not.

I mean I don't know who are from school and will be seeing soon. I was happy that this year I had so many people to spend my birthday with, I missed Granny though.

Next day I got up late, as I was too tired and slept late last night.

I freshened up and came down to see my parents and Noah sitting on the dining table, few gifts and an envelope on one of the gift.

I went down and greeted everyone "Morning mom, dad and Noah!"

They greeted back, hugged and wished me. Mom said "I can't imagine my little girl is 18 now. It feels like yesterday when she was 3 and begging me to buy her a make box."

She gave me two gift and said "Here this is from me, open it."

I tore the gift wrap, I am an impatient person. One gift was a MAC make up box, it had everything a girl would need and love to have. But I don't think I will be needing it.

Another was a box of Tiffany inside that box was ear ring, neck piece and a bracelet, it was so pretty and I instantly fell in love with it. I thanked mom.

Dad gave me the envelope and a gift box. I opened the gift box and it had a beautiful dress, again not my style but it's okay, I thanked him and opened the envelop.

Inside was a key, a credit card and a note saying enjoy your beach holidays with your friends.

I asked him "What is it dad?" He said "You and Noah are going to Miami for holiday, I bought a beach villa there for both of you. You can take your friends along with you and that is your card from now onward, Noah has his own which I gave him last year on his 18th birthday."

Noah gave me a XBOX and I thanked everyone.

Dad said "Before we cut the cake and have breakfast your mom and I have something to tell you two and apologize to you Caro!"

We both nodded and dad said "Caro! We never meant to leave you back in Cali. We brought your brother here to New York for his treatment and after which we were going to come back. That time we did not have enough money for his treatment and I started my small business here with help of my cousin. You have not met him yet, you will meet him today, he is dying to meet his only niece."

He took a deep breath and said "Noah's condition kept getting worse and he had to stay in hospital, your mother would design clothes and sell her design to help me with the money. He had a chances of infection so only your mom was allowed near him, as she did not go out much and was with him mostly. My business started growing in those years and I bought the house and asked my parents to move in with us, along with you. But dad said that he needs time to wrap things there and to let them stay there for a year or two. You were 10 then, without them we could not have brought you here, as you would have remained alone."

He ran fingers from his hair, took a sip of water and continued "By the time you turned 13, Noah was declared well and that he can now go out and be around others. Your school year was about to be over in three months after which you were going to come and stay with us, but my father died and mother said that if you leave too she will be broken and said that she wants to stay in Cali and die there only, like my father. So we could not bring you back, we are sorry that we were not there all this years."

I had tears in my eyes and mom said "Baby! We love you a lot and tried our best to be with you, but we do not wanted you to feel ignored as I could not have handled both you and Noah when he was ill. I missed you so much and called your granny daily to see how you were doing. I have all your pictures in my album, of every year I missed with you. I am sorry baby, we never meant to leave you, I know I am a horrible mother that for one child I left my other."

I now understood their action, I was still sad that they did not come to Cali much to meet me, but I understand now.

We had financial issue until I turned 10, after that they did come a few times and even called me to New York during vacation. Now that I heard everything, I guess I am starting to understand them.

I hugged mom and said "Mom I forgive you, I am sorry I was rude to you all. It's just that I felt you all ditched me."

Mom and I were crying and Noah and dad were smiling. Finally I am with my family and understanding them.

I wish they would have told me earlier, maybe I would have understood it then too.

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