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I told him still hugging "I missed you a lot."

He kissed my head and said "I missed you more! I wish we were still at the camp. Where we were together 24*7."

I nodded and he placed me back on drivers seat and gave me a bag from behind.

He said "I brought food for you, your favorite burger, fries and coke.

I opened the bag and took a bite and said "Thank you! I was too hungry. Anyways thanks for the cup cakes, I loved them a lot."

He said "I am really sorry, I could not make it earlier. I should have sneaked out everyday to meet you but I guess you would be too tried with all the fun you have been having without me."

I shrugged and said "It's okay! We need to get used to it. Anyways you know Louis and Avery are dating, he proposed her."

He said "I am so happy for them. Anyways, don't you too want a proposal too? I mean we just confessed of liking each other and sneaked in and out to meet at nights. We never had a proper date or I never asked you out."

I shook my head and said "I don't need all that, with you here I am happy."

He said "But you deserve the best! Anyways I heard you scratched a stranger's hand today?"

I said "I am so going to kill your traitor brother soon." He laughed and said "Kids!"

I was done eating and he kept the bag in the back seat and asked " Want to go for a ride?"

I nodded and he pulled me towards him, I was on his lap now and he sat me down on the passenger seat and then went and sat on the driver seat.

I said "How many relationships you had before this? You are so smooth with everything."

He chuckled and said "Will you be jealous of my ex?"

I gave him I don't care look and he began to drive and I said "Why will I be jealous of them?"

He laughed and said "You are cute and anyways you are my first girlfriend! I am in a process of learning things with you. Everything I do with you just comes out naturally!"

I said "Liar! Tell me seriously about your past relationships?"

He said "Honestly! You are the first one, ask Ollie if you don't believe me. I was asked out by two to three girls in school but I was not interested. I was kind of popular though."

I shrugged and said "I don't believe you? How can you be so romantic when this is your first?"

He said "I just go with the flow with you Caro! I just follow my vibes. Please trust me!"

I saw he was being honest, I nodded and said "You are my first too! I like you a lot Allen!"

He looked at me while driving and said "I like you too!"

After about driving for 40 minutes we reached at the top of a mountain, he said "You will have the best view of the city from this cliff."

We both got down, he took hold of my hand and we both went at the corner of the cliff, I looked from the cliff, the view was surely beautiful.

I stood there watching around and Allen hugged me from behind, making me feel, comfortable, safe and warm.

I asked him "Isn't it beautiful here?" He nodded his head, his chin on my right shoulder and arms around my neck from behind.

"But I think you are more beautiful." He stated.

I just shrugged and he removed my scrunchie from my hair. "Now you look more beautiful."

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