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It is been a week since our fight, Noah and I still did not make up. I have been ignoring everyone and back to my old, cold self.

All my friends except Amelia and Noah tried to talk to me but after a day or two they gave up.

All I did the whole week was paint, I painted many sites near our camp area. Allen, Ollie and Grace still try to talk to me and all I reply to them is with a nod.

I am getting distant with Allen too. We are not having our late night sneaking in and out anymore.

I was just sitting by the lake today, it was about time for lunch. Everyone was busy with work as we only had five more days to prepare for fete. I felt someone sit beside me and turned to see Allen sitting beside me.

He looked at my painting and said "It is beautiful! You can be an artist, who sells their painting for money."

I looked at him and said "Thank you! I am sorry Allen, I don't know why but I just want to be away from everyone. I am afraid, if I get attach to anyone they will leave me."

Allen let out a deep breath and said "You know you need to stop worrying about all this things. It is just a trivial matter, if someone actually loves you they won't leave. You know what your problem is! You have low self-esteem. You thing others will leave you, so before they can do that you leave them. Just believe in others and give them the chance, Ollie, Grace and Noah are worried about you, Noah will not show it but I have observed him the whole week; he cares but is hurt by what you said. He is been trying Caro! Just give him a chance, trust your family for once and believe me you will be happy."

I looked into his eye to see if he meant it and asked "What about you? Were you not worried?"

He rolled his eye and said "If I would not have been worried would I be here? Caro trust me when I say I like you and will always be there. That day you fell, did you and Noah talk about me leaving for Harvard? Were you worried about that?"

I nodded and he said with a sad face "I am going to Harvard because my father wants it, it will make him happy. He wants me to go there to fulfill his dream but as soon as I graduate I will be back here. I promise we will get through this time apart. Why think about tomorrow and be sad and stop enjoying today?"

I asked him with a sad face "What is your dream Allen? What will make you happy? You just said that Harvard is for your father, you did not say you wanted to go there. When will you start thinking about your happiness before others? You took the punch that day without objecting because you did not wanted to hurt Noah. All this time, whenever I had a break down you were there with me patiently why Allen? Don't you get tried of always helping others? Don't you want your own happiness?"

Allen rubbed his head and nervously said "I am happy the way things are, I am happy when my family is happy. Seeing you smile again makes me happy and hitting Noah back would have only created more problem for us. He would have hated me more and would have never let me date his sister. With time he will get around us and agree to us."

I shook my head and said "Nope! You can't always be happy seeing others happy, Allen for once think about your dream and happiness. I saw the look in your eyes when you said you are going to Harvard for your father. It looked like you are not happy going there. You can't always make others happy, sometimes for your own happiness you have to hurt others. Think about it. I have some work, I will leave now."

I stood up, collected my things and left. Before leaving I threw one last glance towards Allen to see him thinking about something.

I then went back to camp area. I kept my things in my tent, washed my hands and then went to dining area for lunch.

I saw Amelia, Avery, Grace, Louis and Noah sitting on one of the table and eating, I took my lunch plate and went to sit beside Noah.

I turned to Noah and said "Noah I have been making paintings for past one week, I guess they are good and we can sell them during fete to raise money."

He looked at me and nodded "Okay I will arrange a stall for you, Ollie and Grace will help you."

I nodded and Grace said "I saw your few paintings, they sure are amazing. I guess we are going to earn a lot selling them."

I thanked her and we all ate lunch silently.

After thirty minutes later I saw both Ollie and Allen enter. They took their lunch plate, came and sat on our table.

Ollie was quiet the whole time that was so not like him, Allen kept throwing glances my way, which I ignored.

After everyone was done with lunch Noah called for a group meeting, he was going to assign us our final duties for the fete.

When everyone was there, Noah said "Okay each team has three stalls to take care of, in that stall we can do whatever we want to do. I had planned earlier that we can have two game stalls and one food stall. But Nora and Caro had different ideas so we will change my old plan."

He removed a dairy from his bag and showed it to us. The dairy had all our sketches, they were pretty and accurate.

He said "These are made by Nora and she asked whether she can have a stall where she can make sketches and sell them. I think that is a good idea what do you all think?"

Everyone agreed and I said "I can sketch too, I can help Nora with that stall, about my paintings stall Ollie and Grace can take care of it."

Noah said "That will be great in case if there are too many people at one time, then Nora will have helping hand. So as you know Caro's painting will be in our other stall, she wants to sell them to help us. So now Oliver, Grace and Louis you three will be together in paintings stall. Caro, Nora and Matt in sketching stall. Last one will be gaming stall that will consist of Allen, Sophia, Luna and me. Let us decide now what game we can arrange?"

Everyone took out their phone to search for game idea. Luna suggested "How about a hopper race or sack race?"

Noah nodded and Sophia said "How about both, two people in one hopper like a couple game and another in sack race only one person. This are both outdoor games and we can adjust it in the outdoor space provided to us."

That sure was an amazing idea so we all agreed and then Noah said "The stalls are on first come, first serves basis. I will go and register our stalls before anyone else can take our ideas. Then we can start our preparation. Nora you will make all our sketches on a paper which we can use for decorating our stalls and Caro you make as many as painting as possible to sell. If you two need any help let any of us know and we will help you. About others I want you all to decide spots for our games and stall and then start with making banners for our stalls. I will be back soon."

With that we all went back to our duties. We wish to be awarded as the best group who earns the highest funds. 

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