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This book is going to be in a fast forward mode. As I am going to skip few parts, if I write those few parts too it will be too long and may get boring. If I miss some part and you want it, just comment and let me know. I will update it as bonus chapters in the end. Happy reading!

Noah and I came down at the same time for breakfast. It has became our daily routine now. We sat in our seats and he wished me good morning to which I just replied "Morning!"

After our shopping trip yesterday I am acting a bit civil towards him. After we were done with breakfast it was time to leave for camp.

"Have fun you two!" Dad called out to us both. Mom said "Drive well Noah and Caro I'm sure you will have fun. Bye and take care you two." 

Noah grinned and I just nodded. We left home soon after. Noah sat behind the steering wheel while I hopped on the passenger seat, buckling the seat belt.

"Are you ready for camp?" He asked with his eyes on the road. I replied "Kind off and anyways do I have a choice of not being ready? I just want this camp and this year to be over soon, so that I can get away from this fake family thing."

Noah shrugged and with a sad face said "You should know that we all love you, I don't know why mom dad left you there but they do care about you."

I was not interested in listening to anything more so I just plugged in my earphones and fall asleep.

After few hours I felt someone shaking me "We are here, get up Caro!" With a deep nervous breath, I opened my eyes, blinked and yawned. Noah asked me "Had a good sleep?"

I nodded and he said "That's good because here you won't get much of sleep for first few days. It takes time to adjust with the weather condition and sleeping area. Here you have to do all the work by yourself, no help is available. Anyways as you are new here, I hope if you need anything you will come to me, as I am your elder brother."

With that he got down and I nervously opened the car door and got out as well. I muttered to myself "Let the hell begin and let this people know who they are dealing with."

I saw Noah take out our luggage from car trunk, I took mine and followed him inside. The place was beautiful, it was surrounded by mountains and waterfalls and in between it was a small village where we were supposed to stay.

I am already loving this place only for it's surrounding though. I love to paint and this place itself has a natural beauty, so I am gonna spend most of my time painting.

We went inside and entered an office which was set up in a tent. Noah said to the man who was busy reading some paper "Hello there Mr. Lee, we are here."

The man look at him, smiled and said "Noah! It's good to see you after a year. Who is this pretty girl with you?"

Noah smilingly said "She is my little sister Caroline, she was staying with my grandmother in Cali, but recently moved to New York."

The man smiled at me and said "It's good to meet you Ms. I have heard a lot about you from your brother here." I just rolled my eye and asked him "What will I be needing to do in this camp?"

He looked at Noah unsure and when Noah nodded he said "You will enjoy your day today, you will have a campfire today evening, so today you just relax. Tomorrow you will get to know what you actually need to do with other campers."

He then turned to Noah and said "You can go to your tent, I will ask someone to show her around and her tent."

Noah nodded and left, the man called someone and said "Come to my office." He then disconnected the call. He looked at me and asked "Do you need anything else?"

I shook my head and he said "You can wait outside then and don't think that you will get any favoritism just because your father funds this camp."

I looked at him in disbelieve and said "I don't need that and I have never got that. So Mr. Lee you need not worry about me."

With that I left his room and heard him mutter "She sure is a troublesome child." I ignored it and just rolled my eyes.

I saw a boy around my age enter his cabin, he was tall, had blonde hair and alluring green eyes. He was wearing a white shirt which was fitted tightly around his arms and showing off his tempting biceps.

He was hot, he came out and said "Hello Ms. Caroline! I am Nick Ross. I will be your camp guide and camp partner."

I was shocked and asked him "What do you mean by partner?" He said "Every new camper has a partner, who is an old camper. I have been to this camps many times so I am your assigned partner."

He continued "I will first show you your tent, so that you can keep your luggage there and then I will show you around."

He helped me with my luggage, he carried my heavy suitcase, while I carried my handbag and my art bag, which contained brushes, canvas sheets and paints.

While we walked he said "Isn't this place beautiful?" I nodded and said "That was the first think I thought when I got out from our car." 

He looked puzzled and asked "Our? Who else is here with you?"

I said "Someone we both need not care about. Anyway why are only 8-10 people in this camp?" He looked around and said "All of them are old campers and are here early to help set up the camp. Most campers will arrive in the evening."

I nodded and he said "Here, this is your tent and the one on your left is mine. I am not sure who is on your right though. Then over there is washroom, right side is female and left is male." He said pointing towards the portable washroom area.

I kept my luggage in the tent and came out to see Nick waiting outside. Nick when I was out said "Come on let me show you around." 

I nodded and we started walking around. I brought my camera with me to click pictures as I love taking pictures.

I asked him "Can we go near lake first, I saw the camp map outside the office. In that map there is a lake just outside the camp area." 

He said "We can go there now, but we are not allowed to go there at night time."

I nodded and he was about to say something when we were interrupted by a voice from behind "Caro! What are you doing with this jerk?" I turned around and saw Noah fuming with anger.

I was unsure of his anger and asked him "What is wrong with you? Why are you behaving like a old protective brother? I think Nick is cool. He is my partner."

He pulled me away from Nick, dragged me towards the office and bragged into Mr. Lee's office and said to him anger "How can you assign Nick as her partner? You know what kind of guy he is."

Mr. Lee said "He is a changed boy now and I can assure you that he won't do anything with your sister." 

I ignored Noah and when he loosened his grip from my hand, I took it as an opportunity and got out of the office.

Day 1 of camp and the drama has already begun. I just wish Noah would stop acting like a brother, when he was not there all this year when I needed him the most.

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