Part 4. PRANK

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I followed Olli, he said "We are going to my room. I have a prank planned for today, I guess you would love to help me."

I nodded and said "I would love too! It is going to be so much fun!" We went to his room. 

His room was same as mine, he said "Wait I will get the things." He opened his bag and inside the suitcase was water balloons. 

I was shocked, this guy has it prepared from his home and told him "I am so gonna love it."

He said "The first session is in 30 minutes, it's an introduction session, everyone will introduce themselves to others. After which party begins, people will eat, dance and drink but only the soft drinks. Alcohol is not allowed. Anyways when the party will be in full swing. I will bring the balloons in a bucket and attack people. Now you can do the same as you are my partner."

I laughed and said "But will others not do anything? What about Mr. Lee?" 

He rolled his eye and said "Mr. Lee will leave after introduction and about others most of them will start food fight. Because that's the only thing they have to attack with."

I nodded and said "This is going to be fun, I am so happy that I met you and I am in this prank. Do we have any other partner?" 

He shook his head and said "No! Others try to stop me, including your brother."

We went to campfire for introduction round. Each one introduced themselves, I paid attention only to few introduction. Noah Jones, Nick Ross, Allen Wood and Oliver.

Noah Jones: Hello! I am Noah Jones and I have been attending this camp for last three years. I am happy to help the villagers and make new friends here. I have made better friends here than I have in school. I am in high school and I love to play sports. I hope you guys too have good experience like me. If anyone needs help anytime, I am here happy to help.

Nick Ross: Hello everyone, this is Nick Ross. I am a camper for past 5 years and I am here to help others. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Happy camping.

Allen Wood: Allen Wood here, a camper since last 5 years. I am a high school graduate and soon to join college. I love helping others and I have been part of many NGOs and social service work. I am like an elder brother to you all, so if anyone needs any help I hope you won't hesitate to ask help. I am also the student manager, so I hope you all follow the rules of the camp and not have me punish you. That's it for now, we have a month to get to know each other.

Oliver: Hey! Oliver here, friends call me Ollie! I am a high school student and love to enjoy every moment of my life. I have been coming here for 4 years, only last year I missed the camp due to some personal reason. I hope you all like me and we all have fun here, while helping the villagers.

Caroline Jones: Hi, Caroline Jones here! I am a high school student and this is my first time here.

I did not talk much as I don't like socializing much. I was sitting in between Oliver and Noah in the circle. Nick has not yet talked to me since I came to campfire and I am not going to go and talk to him first.

After introduction session Mr. Lee left, telling us to enjoy the party and not to break any rules. I was looking at Allen, he was wearing a t-shirt and ripped jeans and he was looking so damn hot. I saw him looking towards me and looked away.

I saw a smile on his face, he always had a smile on his face. Even when he did not get his room, he still did not showed anger or felt sad about it. He just smiled and took another room.

Anyways Ollie brought me a glass of coke and said "Eat properly because by the end of the party you won't get anything to eat." I nodded and we both went to eat.

The food was delicious, I hope we get this food the whole month. Last camp I went was in my junior year and the food there sucked.

After we were done eating Ollie shouted "Show time!" He passed me a bucket and we both began hitting people with water balloons. 

At first people did not understood what was happening and when they realized they started throwing food and drinks whatever they had on each other.

I somehow managed to get away without getting anything on me. I saw Allen standing in one corner just smiling at our antics as if he knew this was going to happen. I took the opportunity and went near him and aimed a balloon on him.

He was shocked at first, but when he was hit by the second balloon which I threw at him, he turned in my direction.

He yelled "Caroline! Run, if I catch you, you will regret it." As soon as I saw him moving my way, I ran. I dodged few people and without seeing where I was running, I ran faster and he kept following me.

I ran in my tent and closed it from inside. "You better sleep with your eyes open. I am just a tent away." I heard him say. 

I rolled my eyes and said "As if! Rule says no boy can enter girls tent at night. You being student in-charge can't break those rules."

He just laughed and said "You never know! Anyways good night! See you in the morning." He left before I could reply. 

I heard his footstep go away and then I went out to meet Oliver before calling it a night.

I looked around for him and felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned behind and saw Nick.

He said "Wow! You are clean! How did you managed to get away." 

I laughed and said "I ran in my tent and just got out now."

He said "That was a smart move, so calling it a night?"

I nodded and said "Yes! I was about to leave. I need to talk to Oliver before leaving, have you seen him?"

He shook his head and asked "Already friends with troublemaker."

I nodded and said "He is a cool boy, I guess we are going to be best friends."

He just shrugged and said "I will leave, good night." I wished him back and he left.

I went towards Oliver's room and called out. He came out and said "Wow! You are clean."

I looked at him and laughed, he had all kind of sauces and drinks stain on his t-shirt. His once white t-shirt was colorful now.

He gave me a fake angry glare and said "I will be needing a bath, but the bathroom's are all engaged. You were cool out there and your shots were on mark. Well done partner, lets plan a new prank soon."

He hi-five me and I giggled and said "Soon! Anyways I was here to say thanks. I had lots of fun today after ages. All credit goes to you."

He laughed and said "Mention not and we are partners, so no more thank you's. Because more fun is on the way."

I wished him good night and left. He tried to hug me, so that I get dirty too but I ran away from there and in my tent.

I texted Noah before sleeping "Good night! I am back in my room. I looked for you around but you were not there."

A few minutes later I got a text and saw a reply from Noah "Good Night! Thanks for telling me, I was just out of shower and was about to come looking for you :))"

I did not reply back, changed into comfortable clothes and slept like a baby.

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