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Next morning I woke up to someone calling my name, like a mad man. I opened my eyes, blinked a few time, yawned and got up.

I went outside to see Ollie, Noah and our other group members waiting outside my room.

I gave them a puzzle look and asked "What happened? Why are you all shouting like a mad man?"

Noah showed me the time on his watch and said "We will be late for trek if you don't get ready in next five minutes. We have been calling you for last fifteen minutes."

I shrugged and said "Sorry! I guess I was too tired yesterday and kind off over slept. Give me five minutes and I will be ready."

Ollie shook his head and said "Why is everyone giving the same excuse today! First Allen and now you."

I ignored his comment and went inside. Someone said their face would be the first thing I will see in the morning but they over slept.

I changed into a fresh set of clothes, took my trekking bag and went out with a mouth wash in my hand.

I went out to see everyone has already left, I closed my tent and turned to see Allen standing behind me.

He gave me a smile and asked "Ready?"

I shook my head and said "I just need two more minutes, in that time can you refill my water bottle I will just wash my face and be back."

He nodded and took my bag and bottle with him.

I washed my face, peed and used the mouth wash so that I don't have bad breath. I will brush later on.

I went out to see Allen waiting for me, he gave me my bag pack, bottle and said "Come on we are already late, I told Noah to leave with others. We will meet them near lake."

I nodded and said "Someone broke their first promise! You were not the first one I saw in the morning."

He rubbed his head and said "I am sorry Caro! I over-slept and was woken up by Ollie. Anyways, before he left he teased me saying that we are making same excuses in the morning, or something like that."

I rolled my eye and said "Yes! He commented earlier when he woke me up. Anyways he is trying to play a cupid and he is always teasing me by your name."

Allen just chuckled while we kept walking "Let's play with him! How about we don't tell him we are actually dating and pretend like friends infront of others? Let's see what all will Ollie try to get us together?"

I laughed at his idea and said "That will be fun!"

We reached by the lake and saw everyone waiting for us, we greeted each other.

Noah pulled me aside and asked "Can I ask you something?"

I chuckled and stated "You just did!" He said with a serious face "I am serious!"

I nodded and he asked "I heard Oliver and Grace talking about you having crush on someone and they trying to set you up. Is it true?"

I cursed both of them and said "You know how Ollie is, I once stated infront of him that Allen was handsome, so he and Grace have been teasing me since then. There is nothing to worry about."

Noah said "I am okay with you dating! I don't want to control you or be possessive elder brother. But I also don't want you to fall for wrong boy. I don't want you to get hurt. Allen is a nice boy but he will be leaving for Harvard soon. It will only hurt you, for having a long distance relationship. I don't know much about relationship and love but I want to see you happy and smiling always."

That's when I realized, Allen is leaving. Why did it not occur to me last night. Will long distance relationship work? Will I be able to handle it.

I saw Noah giving me puzzle look and I said "Don't worry! If there is something I will tell you."

He nodded and we both went back to where the group was standing. The first person I made eye contact was Allen he gave me a look which said 'all okay?'

I just gave a small nod without others noticing and heard Noah say "Come on we will take the village route and go back to camp area."

We all started walking, Ollie, Grace and I last as usual, both Grace and Ollie were bickering and I was lost in my own thoughts.

I did not see where I was walking and stepped on a stone, the stone rolled down and due to which I lost my balance and fell down. I fell on my right foot and my elbows.

I shouted "Ouch!" Which caught everyone's attention and they ran towards me.

I saw my elbows, both the elbows had few cuts because of the stones near by. I tried to get up but had a shooting pain in my right foot and sat back down.

Noah asked "You okay? Does it hurt badly?"

I just nodded and said "My foot I think I sprained it and I am unable to get up."

He checked my foot and removed a pain spray from his bag and sprayed it on my foot.

He said "You will be fine soon! I am sorry Caro but I can't carry you as I am advised not to lift heavy things."

He gave me an apologetic look and asked Ollie "Ollie can you give her a piggy back ride?"

I saw a worried look on Allen face and he look hurt.

Oliver looked at me and said "I am sorry Caro but we are of same height and if I carry you I may drop you and you may get hurt again. But Allen is the tallest and fittest among all of us, he can help you easily."

Allen moved towards me, sat on his knee infront of me and said "Hold on to me tight." I nodded and did as I was told.

He when I had a tight hold around his neck, got up and all of us started moving. Noah and others took a long route to complete the trekking whereas Allen and I went back.

Allen asked me worried "You look lost after that talk with Noah. All okay? How did you fell?"

I shrugged and said "It is nothing to worry about, I just wasn't looking where I was going and fell down. Noah suspects something because of Grace and Ollie. He heard them making plans of playing cupid, I just brushed it off and everything is fine."

He just nodded, as if he did not believe me. We reached the camp area and Mr. Lee saw us and asked "What happened?"

Allen told him, I still on his back "She fell down while trekking, so I brought her back. I will help her with basic first aid and then if she is not okay later on, I will take her to the doctors team at the village."

Mr. Lee said "Okay! If you need any other help you know where to find me."

He then left and Allen took me back to my tent. He went to his tent and brought a first aid kit and cleaned my wounds. He put a band-aid on both the elbows.

He took my right foot, cleaned it and then moved it, I was observing him carefully. He twisted it in all the directions, trying to remove the sprain.

It did pain badly, I hissed in pain and he just gave me a worried look. He massaged my foot, sprayed the pain relief on my foot and put a crepe bandage on it.

After he was done and I was able to stand up, with lesser pain.

He sat beside me and said "I know something is bothering you! I won't force you to tell me but don't let it hurt you, both mentally and physically. If you can't tell me, tell to someone else who would understand. Don't let it bother you. Everyone will be here any minute, I will leave before Noah comes."

He stood up kissed me on my head and left. 

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