Part 26. NEW BONDS

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I got down to see Noah entering the dining room with Bianca. She sure was pretty, they looked good together.

They looked my way and Bianca waved towards me. I waved back and said "It's good to see you outside school."

She smiled and said "I know! Our friend circles are different and I felt bad about the last meeting. I am sorry about what I said in car! I did not mean it, I was kind of pissed. It was the time of the month and I wanted to show off my boyfriend but he thought opposite."

I said "I am sorry too! I was rude too. I am happy for you two and regret telling him to keep your relationship a secret."

She looked confused and asked "Why?"

I shrugged and made up a lie "I don't know! Maybe I was not ready to share my brother not sure."

She nodded and said "I understand! Noah told me that you two have been away. I should have been more understanding in the past month. Sorry! He was always with me and never around you."

I hugged her and said "It's okay! It's in the past. Anyways welcome to the family."

She smiled and then Noha said "So finally both my girls are good?" I just smiled and nodded and Bianca said "I would love to hangout with you and get to know you more."

I smiled and said "Sure I am tagging along with you till afternoon after that I have plans with Zack. Sorry about that! My brother told me last minute."

We began to eat and she said "I am fine with it! We can hangout next weekend too."

I smiled and continued eating. Bianca and Noah were talking about her friends who I don't know. Maybe by face I know them but not the name.

After we were done, we went shopping and I bonded well with Bianca.

At lunch our other friends from school joined us. I asked help from Zack to take me out with him, so that Ollie does not know I am meeting Grace or he would have tagged along.

The day passed by and Zack was a big help, I was able to meet Grace and we had a good time.

After that Zack and I went out for ice cream and then he dropped me home. I had a good time with everyone.

An hour later I got a Skype call from Allen.

A: Hey! How was your day?

C: Good! Nothing interesting happened.

A: When did you get back home?

C: Just an hour ago. I went out for ice cream with Zack.

A: Ollie told me you left with Zack after lunch.

C: Yes he dropped me at Grace place, she wanted some girl time without Ollie and I did not wanted to hurt Ollie so I lied. Zack picked me up from there to drop me back home as neither Grace and I had car.

A: Okay! Is Grace okay? What did she wanted to talk about?

C: Nothing just some girl problems. Anyways what did you do today?

A: Sophie was here in the day time, she helped me unpack my things and then we studied. She just left and I called you.

I wanted to be mature, understanding and did not wanted to look jealous.

C: Okay that's nice. I hope so it will be clean when I come.

A: Can't wait to see you. I made so many plans for us. We will do this and that. I am missing you so much daily.

C: I miss you too! Seeing other couples make me want to be near you more. On top of that Noah started dating. I am happy for him, but sometimes jealous.

A: This phase will pass too, before you know it I will be back.

C: Are you planning to come back after six months?

A: Honestly I haven't thought about it. I am kind of liking it here but again I am missing you a lot. I am kind of confused. You want me back?

C: Allen I want it to be your decision completely. I told you I will wait for five years if I have too. Anyways I did apply for Harvard but I am sure I am not getting in. So my only option is to wait. I want you to do something that makes you happy. Don't think about me or Ollie or your dad. Just think about you and if you will be happy staying there for five years.

A: I like it here and I like it there too. I am happy at both places. Ollie is getting along with my parents just fine and they are coming around. They have been less angry on Ollie then they were earlier. Mom has even started supporting him a bit. I am so fucking confused.

C: It's only a month now Allen. You have five more months to think. You will be here during winter vacations, that time you can talk with your family and see. If they are fine and you are happy, then you can stay in Harvard. It's just 4 hours drive from New York we will be closer then you are thinking.

A: I am getting a call, I will call you in few minutes. Please excuse me.

He disconnected the call, mostly he used to put me on hold or would talk infront of me. He sure is changing.

Old Allen would know by my face that I am sad or happy, but today I was kind of sad and he did not even asked if I was okay.

I wish I get my Allen back. I really do love him.

Shit love, this is the first time I said I love Allen. I am in deep trouble. I am falling hard, I just hope so everything goes back to normal.

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